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LBV Magazine English Edition – History & Culture

Articles and news on history, archeology, art, science, geography, travel and amazing places.

  • By Guillermo Carvajal, Jorge Alvarez
  • Based in Spain
  • Roughly two posts per day
  • First post on

Posts per month

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Posts per month
Month starting Posts
Jul 2021 1
Aug 2021 0
Sep 2021 0
Oct 2021 0
Nov 2021 0
Dec 2021 0
Jan 2022 0
Feb 2022 1
Mar 2022 0
Apr 2022 0
May 2022 0
Jun 2022 1
Jul 2022 0
Aug 2022 0
Sep 2022 0
Oct 2022 3
Nov 2022 1
Dec 2022 1
Jan 2023 0
Feb 2023 4
Mar 2023 3
Apr 2023 2
May 2023 3
Jun 2023 2
Jul 2023 1
Aug 2023 0
Sep 2023 0
Oct 2023 0
Nov 2023 74
Dec 2023 79
Jan 2024 104
Feb 2024 96
Mar 2024 83
Apr 2024 99
May 2024 90
Jun 2024 82
Jul 2024 69

Any gaps could be due to errors when fetching the blog’s feed.

Most recent posts

Chemical Analysis Unveils Hidden Elements in Tycho Brahe’s Alchemy Lab
In the Middle Ages, alchemy was shrouded in secrecy, with practitioners closely guarding their knowledge. The renowned Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe, known for his groundbreaking work in astronomy, also had a keen interest in alchemy, …
On , by Guillermo Carvajal, 66 words
New Remains of 850,000 Years Old Homo antecessor at Atapuerca
In a historic moment for paleoanthropology, the sites in the Sierra de Atapuerca have once again become the center of global attention thanks to the new remains of Homo antecessor found in the TD6 unit …
On , by Guillermo Carvajal, 66 words
Antimatter Detected on the International Space Station Reveals Unknown Physics
The Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS-02), a particle detector aboard the International Space Station, has identified particles of antimatter (antihelium) that are not easily produced in the known universe. This discovery challenges current theories about the …
On , by Guillermo Carvajal, 66 words