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Blogs about History

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74 blogs about History.

  1. Airminded
    Airpower and British society, 1908-1941 (mostly). By Brett Holman. 🇦🇺 More info

    That's right... ... I'm going on a research trip... ... to the UK! (I suppose this post should technically be called Archivwochen, but that's a little too pedantic even for me.) It's been nearly a …
    By Brett Holman, 163 words
  2. Alabama Yesterdays
    Random wanderings through Alabama history. By A.J. Wright. 🇺🇸 More info

    Missiles at Redstone Arsenal in the 1950s
    Recently I was going through some old family photos at mom's house in Huntsville and found a batch that included the ones below. Dad probably took them in the late 1950s or early 1960s. In …
    By AlabamaYesterdays, 244 words
  3. The Analog Antiquarian
    Chronicles of worldly wonders. By Jimmy Maher. 🇩🇰 More info

    Chapter 11: Winter in Patagonia
    April 17 – July 22, 1520 Ferdinand Magellan was a restless sort of captain general, who was forever wondering what the grass was like on the other side. Puerto San Julián had seemed a gift …
    By Jimmy Maher, 5,228 words
  4. Antiquarian's Attic
    A Farrago of Antiquities routed out of the Rusts and Crusts and Fusts of Time! 🇬🇧 More info

    Thetford Priory
    The remains of The Cluniac Priory of Our Lady of Thetford The Cluniac Priory of Our Lady, Thetford, was first founded on the Suffolk side of the Little Ouse river by Roger Bigod in the …
    By Saesnes, 512 words
  5. ArcheoThoughts
    Andre Costopoulos, University of Alberta. 🇨🇦 More info

    We better rethink the way we live, and fast. Archaeology can help.
    Updated July 2024 When I first adapted a version of this text (The Holocene Catastrophe) for my blog seven years ago, I was reading about the US government pulling out of the Paris climate accord. …
    By Andre Costopoulos, 2,302 words
  6. ART and ARCHITECTURE, mainly
    History, art history and architecture of Britain & Empire, Europe, Mediterranean & North America, 1640-1940. By Hels. 🇦🇺 More info

    Medical clowns help patients & save lives.
    Clown with young child in bed, ? hospital Biomedical ScienceMedical clowns in a U.S hospital health-care team started when a professional clown at NY’s Big Apple Circus founded Clown Care in 1986. Cl­own­ing became a …
    By Hels, 967 words
  7. At the Pictures
    About cinemagoing in the past. By Lawrence. 🇬🇧 More info

    British Silent Film Festival Symposium 2024
    This popular annual event returns to KCL on 17th May 2024. This one day event features a range of papers of original research in all areas of film culture in Britain and areas affected by …
    By Lawrence, 4,419 words
  8. Beachcombing's Bizarre History Blog
    The outlandish, the anomalous and the curious from the last five thousand years. 🇬🇧 More info

    Are Mermaids Fairies?
    Chris starts our new podcast episode (Mermaid 101) with this question (see title) and I answer ‘yes’. Mermaids (which have featured for over a decade on this site) are social supernatural beings who happen to …
    By Beachcombing, 59 words
  9. Beth's Bobbins
    Living history and historic costuming, with a particular focus on women's clothing and hairstyles of the Victorian and American Civil War periods. 🇺🇸 More info

    Original: Purple and White Tiered Dress, c.1853-6
    This month's fun antique garment is from LACMA:Two-piece silk dress, c. 1853-5. LACMA.The color scheme of this dress is what caught my eye. To date, both original prints a la disposition that I've handled were …
    By Beth, 179 words
  10. Bill Petro 4.0
    Writes about History, Popular Culture, Tech Trends, and Travel. 🇺🇸 More info

    Movie Review: Deadpool and Wolverine (no plot spoilers)
    MOVIE REVIEW: DEADPOOL AND WOLVERINE (no plot spoilers) The Marvel Studios summer film Deadpool and Wolverine opens today, starring Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman. It is no surprise that this film has the requisite mindless, …
    By billpetro, 108 words
  11. A Blast From The Past
    Oddities, striking characters and incidents, strange days... this is history with all the interesting bits left in, by the author of Batavia's Graveyard, Tulipomania and The First Family. By Mike Dash. 🇬🇧 More info

    The Sin-Eaters (a preview)
    Many apologies to subscribers who received a notification of a new post earlier today. Unfortunately this was an error on my part. I was working on an upcoming essay and managed to hit the “publish” …
    By Mike Dash, 795 words
  12. Book and Sword – pontifex minimus
    By Sean Manning. 🇨🇦 More info

    What Am I Doing Here?
    Well, on Canada Day I was attending “As You Like It” at Craigdarroch Castle but lets not be too literal! The blessing and curse of being a writer in the 21st century is that there …
    By Sean, 1,860 words
  13. Brian Sandberg: Historical Perspectives
    Resources for Historical Thinking. 🇺🇸 More info

    Douglass Day Workshop
    The Newberry Library in Chicago is hosting a Digital Humanities workshop on Frederick Douglass during Black History Month. Undergraduate and graduate students in History at Northern Illinois University may be interested in participating in this …
    By briansandberg, 210 words
  14. The British Newspaper Archive Blog
    Amazing finds and news from over 300 years of historical newspapers. 🇬🇧 More info

    Celebrating All 34 British Medal Winners from the 1924 Paris Olympics
    As the 2024 Paris Olympics begin, we at the British Newspaper Archive could not help but look back at the 1924 Paris Olympics, with the same city playing host to the summer Olympic Games exactly …
    By Rose Staveley-Wadham, 4,664 words
  15. A Collection of Unmitigated Pedantry
    A look at history and popular culture. By Bret C Devereaux. 🇺🇸 More info

    Collections: Teaching Paradox, Imperator, Part IIa: Pops and Chains
    This is the first half of the second part of our three part look at Paradox Interactive’s Hellenistic-era grand strategy game Imperator: Rome. I had hoped to do this part in a single post, but …
    By Bret Devereaux, 6,750 words
  16. The Diary of Samuel Pepys
    Daily entries from the 17th century London diary. 🇬🇧 More info

    Friday 26 July 1661
    At home all the morning, and walking met with Mr. Hill of Cambridge at Pope’s Head Alley with some women with him whom he took and me into the tavern there, and did give us …
    By Samuel Pepys, 218 words
  17. distillatio
    Medieval alchemy, chemistry related technology and random things distilled from books and artefacts. By guthriestewart. 🇬🇧 More info

    Athanor’s, what are they?
    This post was inspired by the Turba philosophorum lecture on the 4th Feb 2022 An athanor is an alchemical furnace, but what exactly does it mean in practise? And I really do mean practise because …
    By guthriestewart, 1,368 words
  18. Dr Alun Withey
    I am an academic historian of medicine and the body, and 2014 AHRC/BBC 'New Generation Thinker'. 🇬🇧 More info

    Should I Stay or Should I go?: Encouraging travel in the early modern period.
    Travel today is often portrayed as a healthy activity, good for body, mind…and what’s left of the spirit! A good holiday is generally viewed as a tonic, and holiday company advertisements extol the virtues of …
    By Dr Alun Withey, 927 words
  19. Early Modern Notes
    crime, women, digital history... 🇬🇧 More info

    Time flew
    This blog is twenty years old. It’s not going away any time soon, but it’s not likely to become a hive of activity either. Not many academic history/humanities blogs I knew in 2004 are still …
    By Sharon Howard, 136 words
  20. Edwardian Promenade
    Your #1 source for Edwardian history! By Angela Tate. 🇬🇧 More info

    By Evangeline Holland, 5 words