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Luke Salamone's Blog

  • By Luke Salamone
  • Based in United States of America
  • Roughly two posts per month
  • First post on

Posts per month

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Sep 2021 2
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Dec 2021 0
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Mar 2022 1
Apr 2022 1
May 2022 1
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Jul 2022 1
Aug 2022 0
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Oct 2022 2
Nov 2022 4
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Dec 2023 0
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Feb 2024 1
Mar 2024 1
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May 2024 1
Jun 2024 5
Jul 2024 1

Any gaps could be due to errors when fetching the blog’s feed.

Most recent posts

Custom PyTorch Collate Function
If your Dataset class looks something like class MyDataset(Dataset): # ... boilerplate ... def __getitem__(self, idx): item =[idx] return item['anchor'], item['positive'], item['negative'] your collate function should be def collate_fn(data): anchors, pos, neg = zip(*data) …
On , 83 words
Very Large Datasets in PyTorch
In God we trust. All others must bring data. ~ W. Edwards Deming Datasets that fit in memory For simple machine learning problems, your PyTorch dataset class probably looks something like this: class SimpleDataset(Dataset): def …
On , 75 words
How to Create Rust Python Bindings
Rust is super fast. Python is super flexible. Porting slow python code to rust can make your life a lot easier, and it’s not too difficult to set up. I will demonstrate rust bindings for …
On , 84 words