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Blogs about Artificial intelligence

11 blogs about Artificial intelligence.

  1. AI Weirdness
    The weird side of artificial intelligence. By Janelle Shane. 🇺🇸 More info

    An exercise in frustration
    There's an anonymous facebook posting that's been making the rounds, in which a studio art director tried to hire AI prompters to make art, only to discover that they were completely unable to carry out …
    By Janelle Shane, 1,236 words
  2. George Shakan
    Math and Machine Learning Blog. 🇺🇸 More info

    Breaking Down Problems for LLMs
    We all have some problem we are trying to solve. First off, if you can convert the problem to text, or increasingly pdfs, images, video, etc., then you might be able to use AI for …
    By George Shakan, 251 words
  3. Justin Pinkney
    Most of the things on this website are either about Generative Art or Deep Learning or the combination of the two. 🇬🇧 More info

    Experiments with Swapping Autoencoder
    Back in the GAN days most of my time was spent playing with famous models like StyleGAN and pix2pix. But another of my favourite models, which was much less well known, was Swapping Autoencoder, a …
    1,005 words
  4. Keet blog
    research and teaching, with some relevance for society. By Maria Keet. 🇿🇦 More info

    Exploring comparing models in hydrology and computing
    Visiting HydroSciences Montpellier on the EU-funded STARWARS project on AI for stormwater and wastewater data management, I was invited to give a seminar at the research institute. On any topic, but, yeah, they’re all hydrologists. …
    By keet, 1,013 words
  5. Leapfroglog - A weblog by Kars Alfrink.
    🇳🇱 More info

    Democratizing AI Through Continuous Adaptability: The Role of DevOps
    Below are the abstract and slides for my contribution to the TILTing Perspectives 2024 panel “The mutual shaping of democratic practices & AI,” moderated by Merel Noorman. Slides democratizing-ai-through-continuous-adaptability-the-role-of-devops-tilting-perspectives-2024Download Abstract Contestability This presentation delves into …
    By Kars Alfrink, 1,544 words
  6. Luke Salamone's Blog
    🇺🇸 More info

    Custom PyTorch Collate Function
    If your Dataset class looks something like class MyDataset(Dataset): # ... boilerplate ... def __getitem__(self, idx): item =[idx] return item['anchor'], item['positive'], item['negative'] your collate function should be def collate_fn(data): anchors, pos, neg = zip(*data) …
    83 words
  7. Replicate – Blog
    We’re making machine learning easier and safer to use. More info

    Language model roundup, April 2023
    A roundup of recent developments from the world of open-source language models.
    17 words
  8. The Stone and the Shell
    Using large digital libraries to advance literary history. By Ted Underwood. 🇺🇸 More info

    Should artificial intelligence be person-shaped?
    Apple, OpenAI, and Anthropic have three different answers.
    By tedunderwood, 13 words
  9. Tim Boucher
    Questionable content, possibly linked. 🇨🇦 More info

    Quoting Schopenhauer on Online Trolling
    Haven’t finished his Art of Controversy yet, but it’s a quick fun read and has some genuinely fun nuggets like this, which are still/perhaps even more relevant today: Stratagem 8This trick consists in making your …
    By Tim B., 79 words
  10. Togelius
    Better playing through algorithms. By Julian Togelius. 🇺🇸 More info

    AI safety regulation threatens our digital freedoms
    There are those who believe that advanced AI poses a threat to humanity. The argument is that when AI systems become intelligent enough, they may hurt humanity in ways that we cannot foresee, and because …
    By Julian Togelius, 1,694 words
  11. Zena Assaad, PhD
    I am an aerospace engineer and senior research fellow. 🇦🇺 More info

    Is There a Place for AI Ethics and Governance?
    A summary of a recent talk I gave on AI ethics and governance in an Australian Context. Image credit: Ethics and governance is currently at the forefront of many discussions around AI. I see …
    By Zena Assaad, 1,097 words