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DJ Adams

I've been hacking on SAP enterprise software for more than three decades, and am still enjoying it.

  • By DJ Adams
  • Based in United Kingdom
  • Roughly one post per week
  • First post on

Posts per month

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Posts per month
Month starting Posts
May 2022 5
Jun 2022 2
Jul 2022 0
Aug 2022 0
Sep 2022 0
Oct 2022 4
Nov 2022 3
Dec 2022 2
Jan 2023 3
Feb 2023 1
Mar 2023 5
Apr 2023 7
May 2023 2
Jun 2023 2
Jul 2023 4
Aug 2023 2
Sep 2023 1
Oct 2023 0
Nov 2023 3
Dec 2023 2
Jan 2024 6
Feb 2024 3
Mar 2024 4
Apr 2024 7
May 2024 5
Jun 2024 1
Jul 2024 5

Any gaps could be due to errors when fetching the blog’s feed.

Most recent posts

Automatic validation in OData and REST calls with CAP
There is automatic validation of data coming into CAP-based service endpoints. Up until recently, there was a difference on how this happened between "REST" and OData channels, but with the latest CAP major release the …
On , 1,933 words
Highest value in JS - different ways
This month I'm running the Developer Challenge, which is on Reverse APIs. One of the 12 tasks is Task 6 - API endpoint with payload required where the participants must create a "REST" style API …
On , 1,106 words
reduce - the ur-function
I often think of reduce as the "ur-function", as it's so primitive (in building block terms, not in power or utility terms) and ubiquitous (I'm often disappointed when a new language I come across doesn't …
On , 440 words