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Stuck in a Book

A focus on novels by women from between the World Wars, though I’ll dart a bit around other genres and periods.

  • By Simon Thomas
  • Based in United Kingdom
  • Roughly one post per week
  • First post on

Posts per month

Data for this chart is available in the table below
Posts per month
Month starting Posts
Jul 2021 3
Aug 2021 9
Sep 2021 9
Oct 2021 14
Nov 2021 26
Dec 2021 7
Jan 2022 10
Feb 2022 5
Mar 2022 12
Apr 2022 17
May 2022 25
Jun 2022 12
Jul 2022 5
Aug 2022 10
Sep 2022 10
Oct 2022 14
Nov 2022 5
Dec 2022 6
Jan 2023 4
Feb 2023 6
Mar 2023 12
Apr 2023 11
May 2023 31
Jun 2023 8
Jul 2023 7
Aug 2023 8
Sep 2023 6
Oct 2023 11
Nov 2023 7
Dec 2023 8
Jan 2024 13
Feb 2024 7
Mar 2024 6
Apr 2024 12
May 2024 20
Jun 2024 4
Jul 2024 3

Any gaps could be due to errors when fetching the blog’s feed.

Most recent posts

Tea or Books? #129: Authors Who Wrote Too Much vs Not Enough and A Room of One’s Own vs A Bookshop of One’s Own
Virginia Woolf, Jane Cholmeley, and authors who wrote too much or not enough – welcome to episode 129! In the first half, we use a great topic suggestion by David – do we prefer …
On , by StuckinaBook, 430 words
Come and see me at the Marlborough Literary Festival!
Friends, I have exciting news! I’m going to be speaking at the Marlborough Literary Festival on 29 September – discussing all things British Library Women Writers. As you can imagine, I leapt at the chance. …
On , by StuckinaBook, 151 words
How is A Century of Books going, then?
We are somehow halfway through 2024 (which doesn’t SOUND real, but the calendar says it is) – and that means I’m halfway through my timeline for A Century of Books. For the uninitiated, that’s a …
On , by StuckinaBook, 304 words