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🧞‍♀️✨ Infinite Wishes

A weblog by Emma Humphries.

  • By Emma Humphries
  • Based in United States of America
  • Roughly one post per month
  • First post on

Posts per month

Data for this chart is available in the table below
Posts per month
Month starting Posts
Aug 2021 3
Sep 2021 5
Oct 2021 0
Nov 2021 0
Dec 2021 1
Jan 2022 0
Feb 2022 0
Mar 2022 5
Apr 2022 0
May 2022 0
Jun 2022 1
Jul 2022 1
Aug 2022 0
Sep 2022 2
Oct 2022 4
Nov 2022 1
Dec 2022 1
Jan 2023 4
Feb 2023 1
Mar 2023 0
Apr 2023 4
May 2023 0
Jun 2023 3
Jul 2023 4
Aug 2023 0
Sep 2023 0
Oct 2023 1
Nov 2023 1
Dec 2023 1
Jan 2024 4
Feb 2024 8
Mar 2024 1
Apr 2024 0
May 2024 2
Jun 2024 1
Jul 2024 1

Any gaps could be due to errors when fetching the blog’s feed.

Most recent posts

What Matters Still
What Matters Still 2024-07-13T00:00:00+00:00, by Emma Humphries, from Infinite Wishes 🏳️‍⚧️🚀 No matter how you feel about this day’s events in Pennsylvania, these things have not changed: Trump is a fascist Trump is a serial …
On , 57 words
The flat pack rocket
Credit: Level 1 Rockets The flat pack rocket 2024-06-03T00:00:00+00:00, by Emma Humphries, from Infinite Wishes 🏳️‍⚧️🚀 Call it an “IKEA Rocket” or Raket. The design responds to the limits dropped on undergrads (no epoxy in …
On , 222 words
Conway's Life in 3D
Credit: User foretoo on CodePen Conway's Life in 3D 2024-05-31T00:00:00+00:00, by Emma Humphries, from Infinite Wishes 🏳️‍⚧️🚀 Even though I don’t spend a lot of time messing about with Conway’s Life, it’s fun to blog …
On , 111 words