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512 Pixels

Covering Apple, computer history, space, design and lots of other fine nerdery.

  • By Stephen Hackett
  • Based in United States of America
  • Roughly eight posts per week
  • First post on

Posts per month

Data for this chart is available in the table below
Posts per month
Month starting Posts
Jan 2023 4
Feb 2023 41
Mar 2023 42
Apr 2023 35
May 2023 47
Jun 2023 46
Jul 2023 39
Aug 2023 45
Sep 2023 35
Oct 2023 38
Nov 2023 39
Dec 2023 41
Jan 2024 50
Feb 2024 40
Mar 2024 36
Apr 2024 29
May 2024 38
Jun 2024 38
Jul 2024 29

Any gaps could be due to errors when fetching the blog’s feed.

Most recent posts

macOS Sequoia Now Includes Ability to Move Tasks Between Lists in Reminders More Easily
A month ago, I wrote about the Inspector in Reminders being different on the Mac from the version found in iOS and iPadOS: The biggest example in my mind is the ability to move a …
On , by Stephen Hackett, 220 words
X Reverses Course on Gun Emoji
Wes Davis, writing at The Verge: Years after Twitter replaced the pistol emoji with a green-and-orange water gun, X has decided to change it back to a regular handgun. An X employee announced the change …
On , by Stephen Hackett, 111 words
Mac Power Users #754: Passwords, Passkeys, & Beyond, with Damien Schreurs
This week on the podcast, Damien Schreurs joins David and I to talk about what makes a good password, the deal with passkeys, and Apple’s upcoming Passwords application.
On , by Stephen Hackett, 39 words