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Blogs about Apple

19 blogs about Apple.

  1. 512 Pixels
    Covering Apple, computer history, space, design and lots of other fine nerdery. By Stephen Hackett. 🇺🇸 More info

    macOS Sequoia Now Includes Ability to Move Tasks Between Lists in Reminders More Easily
    A month ago, I wrote about the Inspector in Reminders being different on the Mac from the version found in iOS and iPadOS: The biggest example in my mind is the ability to move a …
    By Stephen Hackett, 220 words
  2. Apple Must
    Tips, insights and resources to help Apple's iPhone, iPad, Mac, TV, Watch and iCloud users get much more from their hardware, software and services. By Jonny Evans. More info

    More than one in ten iPhones are now made in India
    Local reports claim Apple in India is already generating millions at its stores. iPhone manufacturing in India continues to accelerate, and now 14% of all the iPhones sold worldwide are being made there, India’s government …
    By Jonny Evans, 503 words
  3. Daring Fireball
    By John Gruber. 🇺🇸 More info

    [Sponsor] 1Password: You Can’t Ignore GDPR Anymore
    When the EU enacted GDPR in 2018, executives and security professionals waited anxiously to see how the law would be enforced. And then they kept waiting ... and waiting ... but the Great European Privacy …
    By Daring Fireball Department of Commerce, 437 words
  4. David Smith, Independent iOS Developer
    🇺🇸 More info

    Defensive and Skeptical
    In Steve Jobs’s 2005 Stanford Commencement Speech he famously concluded by quoting the back cover of the Whole Earth Catalogue’s final issue. It was their farewell message as they signed off. Stay hungry. Stay foolish. …
    562 words
  5. Hypercritical
    I’m a software developer, podcaster, and freelance technology writer. By John Siracusa. 🇺🇸 More info

    The iMessage Halo Effect
    The recent Beeper controversy briefly brought the “blue bubbles vs. green bubbles” topic back into the mainstream. Here’s a brief review for those of you who are (blessedly) unaware of this issue. Messages sent using …
    By John Siracusa, 511 words
  6. Initial Charge
    A daily weblog written and produced by Mike Rockwell which focuses on Apple products, mobile applications, the web, and other geek-related topics. 🇺🇸 More info

    Initial Charge Shop
    I’ve wanted to relaunch Initial Charge shirts for quite some time, but it was always a project that ended up on the back burner in favor of more important things. I mentioned it publicly a …
    By Mike Rockwell, 345 words
  7. IT: Technology, Language, and Cultures
    By Lisa L. Spangenberg. 🇺🇸 More info

    My Computing History
    Robb Knight in My Computing Origin Story and Kev Quirk in My computing History have both written posts about their computing history as part of WeblogPoMo2024. I thought I’d write about mine. I didn’t have …
    By Lisa Spangenberg, 717 words
  8. MacRumors
    Apple News and Rumors. By Arnold Kim, Eric Slivka, Juli Clover, Joe Rossignol, Tim Hardwick, et al. 🇺🇸 More info

    Six New Features iOS 18 Brings to the AirPods Pro
    iOS 18 is an update designed for the iPhone, but it adds several new features to the AirPods Pro 2, Apple's latest earbuds. The new capabilities require ‌iOS 18‌, iPadOS 18, or macOS Sequoia and …
    By Juli Clover, 596 words
  9. MacStories
    Apple news, app reviews, and stories by Federico Viticci and friends. By Federico Viticci, et al. More info

    The Latest from Magic Rays of Light and Comfort Zone
    Enjoy the latest episodes from MacStories’ family of podcasts: This week, Sigmund is joined by guest co-host Christopher Lawley to highlight the debut of Time Bandits and talk about Apple’s upcoming slate of immersive video …
    By Devon Dundee, 476 words
    I’m Marco Arment: a programmer, writer, podcaster, geek, and coffee enthusiast. 🇺🇸 More info

    Ten years of Overcast: A new foundation
    Today, on the tenth anniversary of Overcast 1.0, I’m happy to launch a complete rewrite and redesign of most of the iOS app, built to carry Overcast into the next decade — and hopefully beyond. …
    558 words
  11. Michael Tsai - Blog
    🇺🇸 More info

    Stripe Acquires Lemon Squeezy
    Lemon Squeezy Team (via Hacker News): In 2020, when the world gave us lemons, we decided to make lemonade. We imagined a world where selling digital products would be as simple as opening a lemonade …
    By Michael Tsai, 128 words
  12. Monday Note
    Media, Tech, Business Models viewed from Palo Alto and Paris. By Jean-Louis Gassée. 🇫🇷 🇺🇸 More info

    My Grateful Geek Book Finally Out
    by Jean-Louis GasséeYes, with help gratefully acknowledged below, my book is finally available at Amazon in print and Kindle formats. It was harder than I presumptuously expected. I hope to do better in a future …
    By Jean-Louis Gassée, 1,226 words
  13. OS X Daily
    News, tips, software, reviews, and more for Mac OS X, iPhone, iPad. By Paul Horowitz, Hamlin Rozario, Jamie Cuevas, Oliver Haslam. More info

    Updated Beta 4 of iOS 18 & iPadOS 18 Released
    Apple has issued updated 4th beta versions for iOS 18 and iPadOS 18. The new build is 22A5316k. It’s unclear what the purpose of the newly released 4th beta build is, but given it’s small …
    By Paul Horowitz, 68 words
  14. Patently Apple
    An Apple Inc. centric blog focused on dissecting Apple's latest Intellectual Property. More info

    Apple has joined Alphabet, Meta, Microsoft & others in agreeing to a set of AI Safeguards crafted by the Biden Administration
    It's being reported on this morning that Apple Inc. is the latest company to agree to a set of voluntary safeguards for artificial intelligence crafted by the Biden administration
    By Jack Purcher, 50 words
  15. SchwarzTech
    SchAn Apple-focused technology web site featuring product reviews, opinion articles, news, podcasts, and more for Mac, iPod, iPad, and iPhone users. By Eric Schwarz. 🇺🇸 More info

    See The Ways Shady T-Mobile Stores Treat Customers And Employees
    Michael Shonk for The Mobile Report: The Mobile Report recently covered claims of toxic workplace culture and shady sales tactics from one of the companies selling T-Mobile services: Arch Telecom. They are a T-Mobile ‘Third-Party …
    By Eric Schwarz, 282 words
  16. The Shape of Everything
    A website mostly about Mac stuff, written by Gus Mueller. 🇺🇸 More info

    2024 Youth Regional Championships
    YouTube: 2024 Youth Regional Championships | Vertical World Climbing Team. My fav climbing gym just put up a little video from the regional campionship they had this past weekend. It was a fun event, where …
    80 words
  17. Six Colors
    Apple, technology, and other stuff by Jason Snell & Dan Moren. By Jason Snell, Dan Moren. 🇺🇸 More info

    (Sponsor) 1Password
    My thanks to 1Password for sponsoring Six Colors this week. 1Password wants you to understand the details about how laws like GDPR can affect your business. The EU enacted GDPR in 2018, and the days …
    By Jason Snell, 130 words
  18. Tao of Mac
    Keeping Things Simple. By Rui Carmo. 🇵🇹 More info

    Nice Things that Apple doesn’t let us have (on an iPad)
    This is a follow-up to a couple of previous ramblings (last week and before) about the iPad and its limitations, and is a list of things that I would love to have on an iPad, …
    By Rui Carmo, 1,308 words
  19. Timac
    By Alexandre Colucci. 🇩🇪 More info

    Apple’s use of AppKit, Catalyst, Swift and SwiftUI in macOS Sonoma
    Last month, I analyzed the programming languages and UI frameworks used to create iOS 17. This month, let’s analyze macOS from OS X El Capitan 10.11 to the latest macOS Sonoma 14 and answer a …
    85 words