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Dirty Feed

  • By John Hoare
  • Based in United Kingdom
  • Roughly one post per week
  • First post on

Posts per month

Data for this chart is available in the table below
Posts per month
Month starting Posts
Sep 2022 4
Oct 2022 4
Nov 2022 3
Dec 2022 4
Jan 2023 4
Feb 2023 9
Mar 2023 11
Apr 2023 14
May 2023 6
Jun 2023 5
Jul 2023 5
Aug 2023 9
Sep 2023 6
Oct 2023 11
Nov 2023 7
Dec 2023 4
Jan 2024 7
Feb 2024 8
Mar 2024 5
Apr 2024 5
May 2024 4
Jun 2024 8
Jul 2024 4

Any gaps could be due to errors when fetching the blog’s feed.

Most recent posts

The Dave Nice Video Show, Part Seven: “Well Nationwide Did!”
Part One • Part Two • Part Three • Part Four • Part Five • Part Six • Part Seven Welcome to the final part of my series of articles looking at stock footage in …
On , by John J. Hoare, 1,708 words
The Dave Nice Video Show, Part Six: “Boys, I Believe You Like Swearwords”
Part One • Part Two • Part Three • Part Four • Part Five • Part Six • Part Seven Last time in our look at stock footage in End of an Era, we hung …
On , by John J. Hoare, 1,585 words
Badge of Honour
When it comes to anecdotes, it’s always best to poke them with a sharp stick occasionally. That goes double for anecdotes about Walt Disney. No, I promise you: he wasn’t cryogenically frozen upon his death. …
On , by John J. Hoare, 1,385 words