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  • By Tim Carmody, et al.
  • Based in United States of America
  • First post on

Posts per year

Data for this chart is available in the table below
Posts per year
Year starting Posts
2014 3
2015 0
2016 5
2017 0
2018 0
2019 0
2020 0
2021 1
2022 0
2023 0
2024 0

Any gaps could be due to errors when fetching the blog’s feed.

Most recent posts

Two songs from The Muppet Movie
Why write a blog post somewhere nobody has published in five years, in a new WordPress interface where you recognize… yeah, nothing? Where somehow you can’t even upload a JPG or PNG file you downloaded …
On , by Tim, 2,206 words
No one to witness and adjust, no one to drive the car
A big part of my history of Flint River pollution, just published today, is about this 1999 accident where 22 million gallons of raw sewage was dumped into the river, killing fish and making the …
On , by Tim, 864 words
The State of the Speakularity
Matt coined (or at least first wrote about) “the Speakularity” in 2010: “the moment when automatic speech transcription becomes fast, free and decent.” Five years and change later, we’re still not exactly there! But we …
On , by Tim, 1,081 words