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Velcro City Tourist Board

science fiction / social theory / infrastructural change / utopian narratology.

  • By Paul Graham Raven
  • Based in United Kingdom
  • Roughly two posts per week

Posts per month

Data for this chart is available in the table below
Posts per month
Month starting Posts
Nov 2022 13
Dec 2022 13
Jan 2023 12
Feb 2023 5
Mar 2023 4
Apr 2023 4
May 2023 4
Jun 2023 0
Jul 2023 0
Aug 2023 0
Sep 2023 1
Oct 2023 9
Nov 2023 3
Dec 2023 2
Jan 2024 8
Feb 2024 11
Mar 2024 9
Apr 2024 17
May 2024 15
Jun 2024 4
Jul 2024 9

Any gaps could be due to errors when fetching the blog’s feed.

Most recent posts

the inside of a person, the outside of the Spectacle
In the “DVD extras” at the back of my recently-acquired paperback copy of Howl’s Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones, the author makes a very important point about literature: A book can give you the …
On , by PGR, 655 words
24JUL24 / accessions
Pierre’s Release The Bats because apparently I can still be tempted to buy “how to write” books, but only when they promise to be distinctly unlike most “how to write” books. Usually, that promise turns …
On , by PGR, 421 words
BB gun / that one guy
What a feeling it must be, to be that one guy who is not themselves Copernicus, but who is nonetheless apparently uniquely able to discern and explain the Copernican moment in the process of its …
On , by PGR, 262 words