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Science Fiction and Other Suspect Ruminations

Reviews of Vintage Science Fiction (1945-1985).

  • By Joachim Boaz
  • Roughly two posts per week
  • First post on

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Jul 2024 6

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Most recent posts

Short Story Review: Kathinka Lannoy’s “Drugs’ll Do You” (1978, trans. 1981)
Today I’m joined again by Rachel S. Cordasco, the creator of the indispensable website and resource Speculative Fiction in Translation, for the fourth installment of our series exploring non-English language SF worlds. Last time we …
On , by Joachim Boaz, 1,463 words
What pre-1985 science fiction are you reading? + Update No. XIV
A selection of read science fiction novels from my shelves What pre-1985 science fiction are you reading or planning to read this month? Here’s June’s installment of this column. I’m periodically plagued by the virulent …
On , by Joachim Boaz, 1,766 words
Short Story Reviews: Clifford D. Simak’s “Conditions of Employment” (1960), “Retrograde Evolution” (1953), and “‘You’ll Never Go Home Again!'” (variant title: “Beachhead”) (1951)
Bizarre alien civilizations. Homesickness as psychiatric treatment. The dangers of space travel. Capitalism unleashed. Utopian possibilities? Welcome to the strange wonders of Clifford D. Simak. Today I’ve gathered together three more fascinating Simak tales that …
On , by Joachim Boaz, 2,101 words