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Robin Rendle

The website of Robin Rendle, a designer and writer from the UK.

  • By Robin Rendle
  • Based in United States of America
  • Roughly two posts per week
  • First post on

Posts per month

Data for this chart is available in the table below
Posts per month
Month starting Posts
Aug 2021 15
Sep 2021 10
Oct 2021 11
Nov 2021 11
Dec 2021 11
Jan 2022 3
Feb 2022 8
Mar 2022 9
Apr 2022 8
May 2022 6
Jun 2022 2
Jul 2022 7
Aug 2022 14
Sep 2022 8
Oct 2022 7
Nov 2022 6
Dec 2022 12
Jan 2023 9
Feb 2023 9
Mar 2023 8
Apr 2023 7
May 2023 3
Jun 2023 5
Jul 2023 6
Aug 2023 10
Sep 2023 6
Oct 2023 4
Nov 2023 4
Dec 2023 5
Jan 2024 4
Feb 2024 3
Mar 2024 9
Apr 2024 6
May 2024 2
Jun 2024 4
Jul 2024 5

Any gaps could be due to errors when fetching the blog’s feed.

Most recent posts

The computer is a feeling
As I was walking around The Computer History Museum in Mountain View yesterday I couldn’t shake this one quote that I’d read earlier that morning: “The computer is a feeling,” says Tim Hwang and Omar …
On , 828 words
Stop calling yourself an IC
The ugliest part about tech is the lingo, the language, the words that we use to describe our work and each other. It’s all super gross to me! For example, the way we describe the …
On , 420 words
Book Tour Simulator 2024
Here’s a fantastic essay by Sloan all about the tour for his latest novel Moonbound (I’m reading it right now and I love it to bits). Robin writes: The venue for SF in SF is …
On , 86 words