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Daring Fireball

  • By John Gruber
  • Based in United States of America
  • Roughly 10 posts per week
  • First post on

Posts per month

Data for this chart is available in the table below
Posts per month
Month starting Posts
Sep 2022 2
Oct 2022 21
Nov 2022 65
Dec 2022 72
Jan 2023 74
Feb 2023 57
Mar 2023 102
Apr 2023 66
May 2023 92
Jun 2023 67
Jul 2023 85
Aug 2023 73
Sep 2023 54
Oct 2023 65
Nov 2023 59
Dec 2023 87
Jan 2024 79
Feb 2024 52
Mar 2024 98
Apr 2024 103
May 2024 102
Jun 2024 94
Jul 2024 40

Any gaps could be due to errors when fetching the blog’s feed.

Most recent posts

[Sponsor] 1Password: You Can’t Ignore GDPR Anymore
When the EU enacted GDPR in 2018, executives and security professionals waited anxiously to see how the law would be enforced. And then they kept waiting ... and waiting ... but the Great European Privacy …
On , by Daring Fireball Department of Commerce, 437 words
The New Overcast
Marco Arment, introducing the 10th-anniversary re-write of Overcast: Most of Overcast’s core code was 10 years old, which made it cumbersome or impossible to easily move with the times, adopt new iOS functionality, or add …
On , by John Gruber, 279 words
FBI Used New Cellebrite Software to Access Trump Shooter’s Samsung Phone
Margi Murphy and Katrina Manson, reporting for Bloomberg: The local FBI bureau in Pittsburgh held a license for Cellebrite software, which lets law enforcement identify or bypass a phone’s passcode. But it didn’t work with …
On , by John Gruber, 261 words