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idiolect – i must invent my own systems

i must invent my own systems.

  • By Tom Stafford
  • Based in United Kingdom
  • Roughly 10 posts per year
  • First post on

Posts per month

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Oct 2021 2
Nov 2021 0
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Jan 2022 0
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May 2022 2
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Jul 2022 1
Aug 2022 1
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Jan 2023 1
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Dec 2023 1
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Mar 2024 2
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May 2024 3
Jun 2024 0
Jul 2024 1

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Most recent posts

Quote #325
“But aren’t we guilty of being insultingly disparaging if we refer to chess as a game? Is it not also a science, an art, poised between one and the other like Muhammad’s coffin between heaven …
On , by tom, 158 words
Twitter is now the bad friend
Originally published 2022-12-23 at I joined in 2009, I’ve tweeted 30,200 times, I loved the good times I spent on twitter, but those days are gone. Yes, I joined mastodon. I was inspired by …
On , by tom, 775 words
Facebook’s persuasion architecture and human reason
Originally published 2017-11-12 at Facebook is a specific, known, threat to democracy, not a general unknown threat to our capacity for rationality @Zeynep Tufekci has a TED talk ‘We’re building a dystopia just to …
On , by tom, 871 words