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Phil Gyford’s website – Writing

  • By Phil Gyford
  • Based in United Kingdom
  • Roughly one post per month
  • First post on

Posts per month

Data for this chart is available in the table below
Posts per month
Month starting Posts
Oct 2022 2
Nov 2022 6
Dec 2022 6
Jan 2023 6
Feb 2023 5
Mar 2023 4
Apr 2023 6
May 2023 4
Jun 2023 4
Jul 2023 5
Aug 2023 4
Sep 2023 5
Oct 2023 5
Nov 2023 5
Dec 2023 4
Jan 2024 6
Feb 2024 4
Mar 2024 5
Apr 2024 4
May 2024 1
Jun 2024 1
Jul 2024 0

Any gaps could be due to errors when fetching the blog’s feed.

Most recent posts

Media, May & June 2024
In lieu of regular weeknotes, here are things I’ve been seeing, reading and listening to since I last wrote. Music Only a couple of albums have grabbed me recently, which is a shame. Bright Future …
On , by Phil Gyford, 931 words
I’m going to pause weeknotes for a bit. I’m dealing with family stuff at the moment and I can’t really keep my head straight as it is, without also having to think about what is …
On , by Phil Gyford, 48 words
w/e 2024-04-28
I remained in Essex this week in order to keep visiting the patient patient in hospital. Each day important numbers moved towards their normal state, the patient was gradually disconnected from devices, and they soon …
On , by Phil Gyford, 688 words