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Ace Linguist

At the crossroads of linguistics and pop culture.

  • By Karen
  • Based in United States of America
  • Roughly 11 posts per year
  • First post on

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Nov 2021 3
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Oct 2023 2
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Apr 2024 1
May 2024 1
Jun 2024 1
Jul 2024 0

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Most recent posts

Karuta, a Competitive Phonetics Game?
In the anime “Chihayafuru,” a team of high schoolers plays a card game called ‘karuta’. It’s based around hearing a reader read a poem aloud, and then finding the card corresponding to that poem on …
On , 454 words
Good linguists trust their ears - IPA isn't perfect!
The IPA is a pretty good invention, allowing us to transcribe languages with as much precision as we feel is necessary. It's especially useful for language learners, as each IPA character's name is basically an …
On , 650 words
The intonation contour of a list
We all know when someone is listing something in a speech, but what is it about the intonation that tells us a list is happening? I had always thought there was a particular intonation contour …
On , 664 words