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Blogs about Infrastructure

3 blogs about Infrastructure.

  1. British Water Tower Appreciation Society
    The only British society dedicated to water tower culture and history. πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ More info

    B.W.T.A.S. @ Chelmsford Waterworks
    Essex Industrial Heritage Fair: Saturday, October 5th 2019 Chelmsford Corporation Water Works, now Sandford Mill Chelmsford Corporation purchased the Sandford Mill site (a water powered corn mill) in 1923 for their new waterworks. Water was …
    By Pie Master, 375 words
  2. Pylon of the Month
    All about electricity pylons and electricity supply. πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ More info

    Pylon of the Month - July 2024
    July is a special month in the calendar for pylon fans, because 14th July is Pylon Appreciation Day. I hope everyone marked it in their own special way. I was in Greece on holiday and …
    By Kevin Mosedale, 429 words
    The home of roads in the UK - from road project updates to maps of every motorway and expressway and detailed articles exploring the history of the network. πŸ‡¦πŸ‡Έ πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ More info

    Sorry, wrong number
    Sorry, wrong number Road numbering is a system with clear rules. Unfortunately the people responsible for numbering roads don't always follow them - or even, sometimes, seem to care there's a system at all. Our …
    By admin5156, 4,468 words