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Blogs about Book design

5 blogs about Book design.

  1. Caustic Cover Critic
    One man's endless ranting about book covers and design... By James Morrison. 🇦🇺 More info

    Best of 2023
    The third of my year-in-reading columns has gone up over at Dorian's blog: the best stuff I read in 2023.
    By JRSM, 23 words
  2. Making Book
    All sorts of stuff about books and book manufacturing. By Richard Hollick. 🇺🇸 More info

    Won’t not, want not
    Why does “won’t” have an apostrophe — or I guess what I really mean is why doesn’t it have two? When it isn’t indicating a possessive, the apostrophe indicates a missing letter, just like the …
    By rhollick, 150 words
  3. Pulp Covers
    The Best Of The Worst. More info

    Death Comes Double
    By Pulp Covers, 4 words
  4. SPINE
    Spine Magazine is an online publication devoted to book cover design and book culture. By Vyki Hendy,. More info

    Denis Izotov on Redesigning the Works of Eduard Limonov
    Denis Izotov is a graphic designer from Moscow. He specializes in packaging and print design. For a long time, Denis worked at a record label where he collaborated with several well-known bands in Russia. He …
    By Vyki Hendy, 2,105 words
  5. Theo Inglis
    Freelance Graphic Designer & Writer. 🇬🇧 More info

    THEO INGLISSTUDIO_ GRAPHIC DESIGN WRITING ABOUT EMAIL TWITTER INSTAGRAM Granta 156: Interiors, cover photograph by Kaitlin Maxwell. Designed while Acting Senior Designer of Granta Magazine in 2021.
    By Theo Inglis, 28 words