Blogs about United States of America
22 blogs about United States of America.
Alabama Yesterdays
Random wanderings through Alabama history.
By A.J. Wright. 🇺🇸 More infoUpdated
In These Days of Modern Times (2) Sometimes I just like to be silly on this blog, so here we go.In October 2021 I did one of these pieces using photos of Amazon deliveries to our house. Here's the introduction:"We seem to …
A group blog on constitutional law, theory, and politics.
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Racial Orders and American Political Development: International, Intra-Coalitional, and Individual Dimensions For the Balkinization Symposium on Rogers M. Smith and Desmond King, America’s New Racial Battle Lines: Protect versus Repair (University of Chicago Press, 2024).Chloe Thurston America’s New Racial Battle Lines: Protect versus Repair is the …
Portland Oregon bicycle news, events, culture, and opinion.
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New plan for 82nd Avenue leaves bike riders out of the picture Can you find the bikes in this image? (Source: City of Portland) Let’s play a game: Look at the City of Portland’s concept for the future of 82nd Avenue in the image above and try …
An Antarctica blog.
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Brr Wants A Job 8 months post-ice, it's time for something new!
Caltrain HSR Compatibility Blog
This blog exists to discuss compatibility between HSR and Caltrain, integration issues, and the impact on adjoining communities.
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Caltrain's Plan for Level Boarding Some good news: Caltrain is working on a level boarding plan, as documents requested under the Public Records Act attest. Their "Level Boarding Roadmap: Technical Task Force Platform Report" dated April 2024 is a reasonably …
Cincinnati Curiosities
Working overtime to keep alive the weird soul of the Queen City.
By Greg Hand. 🇺🇸 More infoUpdated
For A Century Cincinnati’s Fashionistas Fawned Over A Shade Called ‘Invisible Green’ As the local haberdasheries and modistes swell with shoppers clamoring for appropriate gifts for their kith and kin, what colors do they promote? It seems a silly question these days when, as the old song …
DNA Lounge: DNA Sequencing
A late-night, all ages San Francisco nightclub featuring live music, DJ dancing, burlesque shows, and private parties.
By Jamie Zawinski. 🇺🇸 More infoUpdated
Wherein we drown in a sea of "one-time expenses" I am constantly chatting with friends at the club who show up two nights a month, look around at a moderately-crowded room and an un-busy bar and say to me, "Looks like things are going …
Ephemeral New York
Chronicling an ever-changing city through faded and forgotten artifacts.
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The bulldozer comes for a Brooklyn mansion built in 1902 for a prosperous provisions dealer At the end of a lovely brownstone row in Bedford-Stuyvesant is an empty space. Enclosed by a chain-link fence, the patchy ground here has been cleared of debris, save for some litter and a pile …
The Fastest Slow Guy You Know
A blog about bicycles, Oakland, California, roads, trails, history.
By Morgan Fletcher. 🇺🇸 More infoUpdated
Alone and Awheel from Chicago - San Francisco Chronicle San Francisco, California · Sunday, August 01, 1897 Margaret Valentine (Cox) Le Long was 34 when she decided to ride her bike from Chicago to San Francisco, from the '20th of May to the 8th of July,' 1897. I haven't been able to …
Georgia Before People
I’m writing this blog because I’m fascinated with what the ecology of southeastern North America was before people colonized the region and ruined it.
By Mark Gelbart. 🇺🇸 More infoUpdated
A Pre-Emptive Subtotal Colectomy? 3 different doctors told us my wife’s colon needed to be removed. This ongoing ordeal began last spring when she sent a fecal sample to Cologuard, a company that advertises frequently since the medical establishment …
Good Stuff NW
By Kathleen Bauer. 🇺🇸 More infoUpdated
Root Vegetable Primer: Sweet Potatoes and Yams The e-mails I get from local farmers' markets are often packed with information, not only about the vendors you'll find there each week, but often containing helpful information and recipes for the seasonal products stacked …
Greater Greater Washington
Builds informed and civically engaged communities who believe in a growing and inclusive Washington region and speak up for livable communities for all.
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Do Something: The week of December 16, 2024 Weekly, Regional Policy Director Dan Reed and DC Policy Director Alex Baca will share with you an action you can take in the immediate future that has the potential, sometimes great and sometimes small, to …
Images of Old Hawaiʻi
Bringing People, Places, and Events in Hawaiʻi’s past alive through text and media.
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Hilo Country Club “For years Hilo has had no golf course. A links at the Volcano and the residents of Hamakua coast and of the Kohala region can get a round or two whenever they desire.” (HTH, Sep …
Old Structures Engineering – Blog
Engineering and Preservation.
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An Avatar Of Steel Another short trip: I was in Philadelphia last week, and I walked the not-quite two miles from my meeting to the train station on my way home. I took the two unimpressive pictures below on …
Activating America's Voters.
By Tokyo Sand. 🇺🇸 More infoUpdated
Wrapping Up the 2024 Election Well, my friends. That election certainly didn’t go the way we wanted, did it. If you’re anything like me, you’ve gone through a range of emotions these last four days. I was numb for two …
San Francisco Bay Area Independent Media Center
A non-commercial, democratic collective serving as the local organizing unit of the global IMC network.
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San Francisco Senior Beat
Smashing aging stereotypes through storytelling.
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Seniors take on new roles with ‘Drama with Friends,’ a Zoom project that had its first live performance Herbert and Gloria are flirting. Like spooning teens, the elderly pair are joking about their relationship and contemplating new places to have sex. Riding a horse, suggests Herbert, garnering a slightly lascivious grin in return. …
Devoted to covering the US Supreme Court comprehensively, without bias according to the highest journalistic standards as a public service.
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Court adds Medicaid lawsuit to docket ShareThe Supreme Court on Wednesday morning agreed to take up a dispute over whether a South Carolina woman can bring a lawsuit challenging that state’s decision to end Planned Parenthood’s participation in its Medicaid program. …
Society for US Intellectual History
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Author Meets Critics: Angus Burgin, “Whatever Happened to American Thought? Comments on Kunal Parker, The Turn to Process and Daniel Wickberg, A History of Modern Thought, 1860-2000” Kunal Parker’s The Turn to Process and Daniel Wickberg’s A History of American Thought are unusual in the breadth of their scope, offering accounts of the rise and fall of Read more The post Author …
Connecting people from all walks of life to information about how to reduce dependence on cars, promote human-centered, equitable, and environmentally sustainable places….
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Driver Kills Pedestrian Outside Roxbury Crossing T Station A driver struck and killed a pedestrian early Wednesday morning at the intersection of Tremont Street and Malcolm X Boulevard in Boston, next to the Roxbury Crossing Orange Line station. Officer Mark Marron, a Boston …