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Blogs about Personal finance

10 blogs about Personal finance.

  1. Financial Mechanic
    the money tools you need to be set free. More info

    Quick Update! A Move And A New Kitty
    Last time I wrote, I was traveling solo through Sri Lanka and the Philippines. When I returned, day-to-day life sucked me back into its tricky vortex. One thing that strikes me in retirement is how …
    By financialmechanic, 94 words
  2. FIRE v London
    Financial independence, but in pricey London. 🇬🇧 More info

    June ’24: Election fever
    June was busy. I travelled more than usual in June. Partly in the UK – visiting Glasgow, the west country, the south coast and the Isle of Wight; partly overseas – I visited Ibiza for …
    By FIRE v London, 368 words
  3. Investing Guides For European And UK Investors
    By Raph Antoine. 🇬🇧 🇺🇸 More info

    Updated ⚠️️

    Still trying to fetch this feed, but last time we got ‘Connection timed out’.

    Interactive Brokers Fixed vs Tiered Plan – Which Is The Best For ETFs?
    brokers | All Insights Interactive Brokers Pricing Plan Comparison Determine The best plan for you With our new tool Updated by: Raph Antoine April 1, 2024 Share: Raph Antoine April 1, 2024 Share: What are …
    By Raph Antoine, 1,404 words
  4. Monevator
    From passive investing with index trackers funds to choosing the cheapest investment platform or broker, Monevator is essential reading for all British investors. 🇬🇧 More info

    Optimising the All-Weather portfolio [Mavens]
    The All-Weather portfolio is reputedly better than conventional portfolios at balancing our need to take investing risks while at the same time cushioning us from the worst of: Recessions Inflationary shocks Terrifying stock market crashes …
    By The Accumulator, 100 words
  5. Mr. Money Mustache
    Early Retirement through Badassity. 🇺🇸 More info

    $656,000 of Frugal Things I Still Love Doing
    – “I used to read Mr. Money Mustache”, some people say these days, “Until he got all rich and fancy so that he no longer understands the common person’s plight. Stash probably doesn’t even practice …
    By Mr. Money Mustache, 2,308 words
  6. Retirement Investing Today
    Save Hard, Invest Wisely, Retire Early - My strategy for financial independence and early retirement (FIRE). 🇬🇧 More info

    Stabilising – musings on 2022
    I was not going to write this 4 years of FIRE post but I’ve had a number of requests for it which made me do a little thinking. In the end I thought it might …
    By RetirementInvestingToday, 83 words
  7. sex health money death
    The Four Horsemen of the Middle Aged Apocalypse. 🇬🇧 More info

    Don’t Fear the Reaper
    I received a circular from Standard Life this morning in the email, offering advice on “How to pass on your pension to your loved ones”. This, I thought, was a bit previous as I have …
    By Sex Health Money Death, 725 words
  8. Simple Finances Reader
    The official blog of the Simple Finances Discord community for fintech and personal finance enthusiasts. More info

    Updated ⚠️️

    We’ve given up fetching this feed because we kept getting ‘Can't connect to domain’.

    Topic Episode - Curve x BofA: 5.25% Cash Back on All Spend
    Topic Episode – Curve x BofA: 5.25% Cash Back on All Spend Welcome new listers from /r/churning! Text companion on and Old Percents vs Curve post How to get max 5.25% cash back …
    By fearthez, 323 words
  9. Stop Ironing Shirts
    Retired at 36 from a corporate career through frugality and career advancement. 🇺🇸 More info

    Lessons from Five Years of FIRE
    April 2024 marks five years since I quit my corporate job for a life of financial independence. With that anniversary approaching, here are five… The post Lessons from Five Years of FIRE appeared first on …
    By Stop Ironing Shirts, 44 words
  10. A Wealth of Common Sense
    Personal Finance, Investments & Markets. By Ben Carlson. 🇺🇸 More info

    The 11th Commandment
    There’s an old saying that people don’t attend church on Sundays expecting to hear an eleventh commandment. You go to reinforce what you’ve already learned or learn it all over again. And so it is …
    By Ben Carlson, 79 words