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Blogs about Work

  1. Management (18)

5 blogs about Work.

  1. Ask a Manager
    Not sure what the hell your manager is thinking, how to ask for a raise, whether you might be in danger of getting fired, or more? Ask your workplace questions here. By Alison Green. 🇺🇸 More info

    weekend open thread — July 27-28, 2024
    This post was written by Alison Green and published on Ask a Manager. This comment section is open for any non-work-related discussion you’d like to have with other readers, by popular demand. Here are the …
    By Ask a Manager, 134 words
  2. everything changes
    I work with individuals, teams, and organizations who are looking to make a change in their work with intention and integrity. By Mandy Brown. 🇺🇸 More info

    Make kin not nets
    “UGH, I KNOW, I have to network.” Whether I’m talking to someone bookish and quiet or a gregarious self-identified extrovert, the prospect of doing “networking” brings groans and heavy sighs almost every time. It’s a …
    By Mandy Brown, 843 words
  3. Improve something today
    Continuous improvement in a complicated world. By Brian Kerr. 🇺🇸 More info

    Monthly links & notes for June 2024
    I’ve been looking for new ways of thinking about problem-solving beyond the tired lean frameworks, and better ways of helping groups decide what to do next. This month, I’ve found something.Online readingFrom Beth Sawin’s June …
    By Brian Kerr, 570 words
  4. New Escapologist | Blog
    Or: Goodbye to all that! 🇬🇧 More info

    And That Is What I Did
    I’ve been helping to edit and publish Before I Go, a new memoir by renegade comedian John Dowie. He’s an Escapologist, tried and true. Early in the book he writes: After nine months I decided …
    By Robert Wringham, 341 words
  5. Study Hacks - Decoding Patterns of Success - Cal Newport
    On deep work, success, productivity, work-life balance. 🇺🇸 More info

    Dispatch from Herman Melville’s Farm
    Growing up in New York, first in the city and then later in Albany, a young Herman Melville made frequent trips to stay with his uncle, Thomas Melvill, who lived on a farm near Pittsfield, …
    By Study Hacks, 774 words