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Blogs about Management

18 blogs about Management.

  1. Adam Keys is typing
    Developer and engineering manager at large. 🇺🇸 More info

    diff, a top-5 software tool
    Mike Hoye, Fifty Years of Diff: My friend Greg Wilson has argued, and I absolutely believe, that you can divide the entire computational universe into who has diff and patch, and who doesn’t. It’s the …
    221 words
  2. Adam McKerlie
    Musings of an Engineering Leader. 🇨🇦 More info

    2023 review of the books I read
    A look into the books I read in 2023, the goals I set and how I did.
    24 words
  3. Almad's Changelog
    I share my experiences with technology, startups and getting through life. More info

    On Reducing Problems to the One AI Thing
    We are now living in the age of OpenAI narrative, and a lot of problems are to be aligned to fit it. What are going to be side-effects of its implementation is going to be …
    45 words
  4. Anna Shipman
    I write about tech, leadership and tech leadership. 🇬🇧 More info

    Strategy for Directors: Tying it together
    I did an excellent course on Strategy for Directors. On Monday, I shared some models we learned about and in this post I pull those together. Whether you are in leadership or not, you can …
    2,211 words
  5. Ben Matthews
    Freelance guides, marketing tips and travel tricks. 🇬🇧 More info

    Peeknote #2
    By benrmatthews, 3 words
  6. Dan Mall’s Posts
    Read about how to grow in design systems, design process, and design leadership. 🇺🇸 More info

    A Response to ‘Hiring Help’
    I posted last week about hiring some design and development help to take some stuff of my plate. I received a lot of responses in many different forms. Some saw what I was offering as …
    By Dan Mall, 877 words
  7. Erik Bernhardsson
    🇺🇸 More info

    Predicting solar eclipses with Python
    As I am en route to see my first total solar eclipse, I was curious how hard it would be to compute eclipses in Python. It turns out, ignoring some minor coordinate system head-banging, I …
    52 words
  8. – Weekly Posts
    Helping Geeks Produce for Over 40 Years. My mission is to help people learn how to embrace change and harvest its value. By GeePaw Hill. 🇺🇸 More info

    Optimize for Our Humans
    Leading Technical Change is a small, live, remote seminar aimed squarely at a single topic: Real Change in the Real World. A new cohort is open now: March 11,12,14, & 15, 10am to noon Eastern …
    By GeePaw, 60 words
  9. Irrational Exuberance
    I’m a writer and a software engineering leader. By Will Larson. 🇺🇸 More info

    Developing domain expertise: get your hands dirty.
    Recently, I’ve been thinking about developing domain expertise, and wanted to collect my thoughts here. Although I covered some parts of this in Your first 90 days as CTO (understanding product analytics, shadowing customer support, …
    1,408 words
  10. Jade Rubick -
    Jade Rubick. 🇺🇸 More info

    How to avoid being a bottleneck leader
    If you’re doing an important job, you will end up being a bottleneck at some point. There is an art to disentangle yourself from doing things directly. This skill is hard to learn. So in …
    2,945 words
  11. Jessitron – blog
    symmathecist, in the medium of code. By Jessica Kerr. 🇺🇸 More info

    Stupid bash tricks: a self-updating script
    For a demo app, I want a simple-as-possible deploy script. The simplest thing is to hard-code the version number (which gives my docker image a unique tag, which gets kubernetes to pull the new image1). …
    By jessitron, 295 words
  12. Mike Crittenden – Call me Critter
    🇺🇸 More info

    Calculating technical debt (from “Executive Engineering”)
    There are roughly five things you need to know about each debt obligation in your system: 1. Principal – What would it take to fully pay it off? 2. Interest – How much energy is …
    By Mike Crittenden, 579 words
  13. No Idea Blog
    Posts about things. By Tanya Reilly. 🇺🇸 More info

    Staff engineer communities
    Chapter 5 of The Staff Engineer’s Path is going to be about leading big projects, the kind that involve a lot of teams, or where the stakes are high, or the path forward is ambiguous–or …
    By Tanya Reilly, 1,074 words
  14. Notes on engineering leadership | Kellan Elliott-McCrea
    Hello, world. 🇺🇸 More info

    Briefly: Anonymous Questions
    As leadership, Q+A serves several important functions. The first, obviously, is to answer questions people have. No matter how well we communicate (and let’s be honest, how well do we really communicate?) there will always …
    760 words
  15. Org Design for Design Orgs
    By Peter Merholz, Kristin Skinner. 🇺🇸 More info

    Define your design team—here’s an agenda for creating a charter
    This year, I’ve helped 5 design teams draft their charter. At the outset of this work is a series of 4 2-hour group sessions (it used to be a one-day workshop in a conference room) …
    By peterme, 593 words
  16. Peter Merholz
    🇺🇸 More info

    Whither UX Research?
    A few years ago, we interviewed Jen Cardello for Finding Our Way, and she shared that her team (UX Research) is peered with “market research, behavioral economics, brand, and advertising research, and customer loyalty” in …
    By Peter Merholz, 621 words
  17. Tatiana Mac » writing, professional and personal
    Collection of engineering tutorials, insights on management, reflections on the complicated nature of humans, our love, injustice, and everything between. 🇺🇸 More info

    Enter strawman: Build a tangible form to anchor esoteric discussions
    You ask, "Should I be making a new directory for this feature I'm building?" You expect a return value of: "yes" or "no." You had a 50% chance of guessing the "correct" answer...right? Four hours, …
    896 words
    Software engineering leadership. By John Collins. More info

    The CrowdStrike outage (TLP 2024w29)
    This week I will provide a summary of the CrowdStrike global outage, and why we are so vulnerable to such issues.
    26 words