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Blogs about Education

38 blogs about Education. Page 2 of 2.

  1. Learn Lead Grow
    Creative ways to infuse UDL and technology into learning. By Matt Bergman. 🇺🇸 More info

    Create an Interactive Math Calculator Using Claude AI
    Did you know that you can use AI for more than just looking up information? I experimented with using Claude AI to generate an interactive math activity out of HTML, where students could input variables …
    By Matt Bergman, 159 words
  2. Multilitteratus Incognitus
    Pondering what my next degree should be 😂. By Apostolos K. 🇺🇸 More info

    2023 Academic Year in Review
    [warning - a bit of long post] Well, here we are! The end of 2023! It seems like only yesterday that we were starting to hear some whispers about this thing called "ChatGPT," but it …
    By Apostolos K. ("AK"), 2,448 words
  3. Not awful and boring ideas for teaching statistics
    By Jess Hartnett. 🇺🇸 More info

    Whataburger Index: Operationalizing power outages in hurricane ravaged Texas.
    As a stats nerd, I love it when clever people make lives easier by finding clever, easy, indirect ways to estimate the thing they want to measure. As a statistics instructor, I find such examples …
    By Jessica Hartnett, 407 words
  4. Open Culture
    Discover thousands of free online courses, audio books, movies, textbooks, eBooks, language lessons, and more. 🇺🇸 More info

    Stephen Fry Explains Why Artificial Intelligence Has a “70% Risk of Killing Us All”
    Apart from his comedic, dramatic, and literary endeavors, Stephen Fry is widely known for his avowed technophilia. He once wrote a column on that theme, “Dork Talk,” for the Guardian, in whose inaugural dispatch he …
    By Colin Marshall, 672 words
  5. Othmar's Trombone
    I'm just a teacher, standing in front of a class, asking them to be quiet and listen. By jamestheo. 🇬🇧 More info

    The end of things
    Someone has left a newspaper on this train. It is open on a story about how avocados are being cultivated so they don’t have stones. It seems that modernity has left people too busy or …
    By jamestheo, 724 words
  6. Punya Mishra's Web | Blog
    Living at the junction of education, creativity, technology & design. 🇺🇸 More info

    ChatGPT for Teachers: Insights from Online Discussions
    In our ongoing exploration of creativity, learning, and technology for the journal TechTrends, my co-authors and I have turned our attention to the fascinating intersection of generative AI and education. Our past interviews have featured …
    By Punya Mishra, 63 words
  7. Reading all the Books
    I write about curriculum, pedagogy, theory, English and books. By Jo. 🇬🇧 More info

    Top Reads of 2023
    Non-fiction Viviane Robinson Reduce Change to Increase Improvement: My brilliant colleague at the National Institute of Teaching, Paula, recommended this. It has been hugely influential in developing leadership approaches that are clear and simple, and …
    By Jo Facer, 48 words
  8. The Research Whisperer
    Just like the Thesis Whisperer - but with more money. By Tseen Khoo, Jonathan O’Donnell. 🇦🇺 More info

    Hosting unforgettable public events
    Photo by Kane Reinholdtsen on Unsplash. Film composer John Powell said: “Communication works for those who work at it.” As academics, one key way we communicate with non-academic audiences is through public-facing events. A well-orchestrated …
    By Research Whisperer, 1,484 words
  9. Resourceaholic
    Free resources and ideas for teaching secondary school maths. By Jo Morgan. 🇬🇧 More info

    5 Maths Gems #180
    Welcome to my 180th gems post. This is where I share some of the latest news, ideas and resources for maths teachers.1. AreaI love @catrionateaches's suggestion that students write a 'plan without numbers' when attempting …
    By Jo Morgan, 63 words
  10. Roots and Wings - Blog
    One teacher’s approach to kindergarten that is inspired by the early childhood practices of Reggio, Montessori, and Waldorf, but applied to a public school setting. By Jackie Clarke. 🇺🇸 More info

    Kindergarten Measurement Inquiries: Teaching Length, Weight, Capacity, and Area
    INSIDE: Find kindergarten measurement activity ideas for teaching length, weight, capacity and area using nonstandard units. Our Kindergarten Measurement Investigations Every January, we explore the wonders of measurement, diving deep into the concepts of length, …
    By Jackie, 82 words
  11. Runestone Academy
    Interactive Textbooks for Computer Science, Data Science and more. By Brad Miller. 🇺🇸 More info

    Collaborative NSF Grants Awarded to Runestone Academy, Michigan, Duke, Virginia Tech, and Berea and American Institute of Mathematics
    Collaborative NSF Grants Awarded to Runestone Academy, Michigan, Duke, Virginia Tech, and Berea and American Institute of Mathematics Runestone Academy LTD got good news this week. We received our first collaborative NSF Grant! The grant …
    754 words
  12. Scenes From The Battleground
    Teaching in British schools. By Andrew Old. 🇬🇧 More info

    Move along now
    That’s it, I’m no longer posting to this site. New blog posts can now be found over on Substack at Andrew Old’s Education Battleground, or sign up to receive them as a newsletter. Details of …
    By teachingbattleground, 59 words
  13. Special Needs Jungle
    News, info, resources & informed opinion about Special Educational Needs, disability, children’s physical and mental health, rare disease. Campaigning to #FixSEND. 🇬🇧 More info

    SEND is an existential threat to LAs’ financial sustainability; junking the SEND Tribunal is part of the answer, claims new report
    New article from Special Needs Jungle: By Tania Tirraoro and Sharon Smith Relax everyone, ISOS Partnership, the research darlings of local government, have fixed SEND for us all with a new offering, and what a …
    By Special Needs Jungle, 98 words
  14. Teacher's Notes
    By Mrs C Spalding. 🇬🇧 More info

    One year down as a Deputy Head: teaching is a people business
    In retrospect, I’m aware that I stopped blogging probably when I had the most important things to say. It was when I started working in an area of deeply entrenched disadvantage. I just couldn’t find …
    By Mrs C Spalding, 865 words
  15. TeacherToolkit - Teacher Blog Articles
    Provides teachers with access to resources that are meaningful for any classroom across the world. By Ross Morrison McGill. 🇬🇧 More info

    Teachers’ Online Search Trends
    Reading Time: 3 minutes What are teachers searching for online? For over 15 years, I’ve been sharing my thoughts on education on this site, and thanks to readers across the globe, it has significantly enhanced …
    By @TeacherToolkit, 64 words
  16. Teaching Made Visible
    Hallway conversations about teaching and learning. 🇺🇸 More info

    Don’t make the same mistakes I keep making
    If you teach high school or introductory college physics (or just know the subject well), I wonder if you can tell what I’ve done wrong here: OK, well, I haven’t given you a lot of …
    By Scott Seagroves, 64 words
  17. Teach the Future | Blog
    Get inspired by ideas on teaching the future from our global team of volunteers, facilitators, trainers, academics and teachers. 🇺🇸 More info

    NGFP-YV Awards Application Support
    Hey there, future changemakers! Are you between 12 and 17 years old and bursting with ideas to make the world a better place? The Next Generation Foresight Practitioners - Young Voices (NGFP-YV) Awards are here …
    By Lisa Giuliani, 402 words
  18. The Thesis Whisperer
    Just like the horse whisperer - but with more pages. By Professor inger mewburn. 🇦🇺 More info

    Why you can’t get ChattieG to ‘sound good’.
    For about 10 years now, I’ve had a profitable side hustle teaching writing. ANU has a generous external consulting policy, which means I can fly all over the country, and the world, teaching academics to …
    By Thesis Whisperer, 2,884 words