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Blogs about Genealogy

6 blogs about Genealogy.

  1. Beautiful Water Genealogy
    Voyages through family and local history. By Christine McCloud. 🇺🇸 More info

    Honor Roll Project:  Norwalk, CT – World War II
    In recognition of those who have served our country in the military, Heather Wilkinson Rojo of the Nutfield Genealogy blog started the Honor Roll Project. It’s an opportunity to publicly document the names on military …
    By ckmccloud, 248 words
  2. Climbing My Family Tree
    Genealogy research and commentary by Marian Burk Wood, speaker and author of "Planning a Future for Your Family's Past.". 🇺🇸 More info

    Harry Caplan, Photographer and FIL of BIL of Great Uncle Max
    While adding ancestor profiles to WikiTree during the recent Connect-A-Thon, I wrote a very brief, tiny bite-sized bio of Harry Caplan (1873-1936), who was the father-in-law of the brother-in-law of my great uncle Max Birk …
    By Marian B. Wood, 352 words
  3. Dutch Genealogy
    Find your ancestors from the Netherlands. By Yvette Hoitink. 🇳🇱 More info

    Dutch term – Gaarder
    A gaarder is a collector, typically of taxes or tariffs. You may come across the term doing research in the province of Holland between 1695 and 1806, when a special tax (“impost”) was levied on …
    By Yvette Hoitink, 207 words
  4. Janealogy - Blog
    Have you ever wondered what mysteries are tucked away in your family’s past? By Jane Harris. 🇬🇧 More info

    Mapping birthplaces
    I’ve been experimenting with the MapChart website to produce maps showing the birth county of people in North Walls and Brims in two censuses, 1861 and 1921. What do you think? 1861 Census And here’s …
    By Janealogy, 111 words
  5. Nutfield Genealogy
    Genealogy, local history and historical research in New England. By Heather Wilkinson Rojo. 🇺🇸 More info

    Notre-Dame de Québec Basilica-Cathedral for Weathervane Wednesday
    This weathervane was photographed in the Old Quebec City, Canada.Last week I featured a weathercock above the Quebec City church Notre Dame des Victoires, and today I'm featuring another weathercock from Quebec City also from …
    By Heather Wilkinson Rojo, 322 words
  6. Wandering Around The Family Tree
    By Patty Hankins. 🇺🇸 More info

    Create A TIFF File from a Table in Microsoft Word Using Photoshop Elements
    I recently completed Tom Jones' Masterclass Advanced Genealogical Writing Skills Using Microsoft Word offered through the Family History Academy. The class was incredible - I had no clue how much I didn't know about using …
    By Patty Hankins, 671 words