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Blogs about Government

  1. UK government (5)
  2. US government (1)

3 blogs about Government.

  1. Sean Boots
    Technology, public services, and people. But mostly people. 🇨🇦 More info

    Speaking at the Government Operations committee this Wednesday
    On Wednesday, July 24, Prof. Amanda Clarke and I will be appearing at the House of Commons Standing Committee on Government Operations and Estimates (OGGO) to discuss the research paper that we recently shared as …
    744 words
  2. Tax Policy Associates - Reports
    A think tank dedicated to improving tax policy and the public understanding of tax. 🇬🇧 More info

    GC Wealth – the £bn tax avoidance scheme that could be fraud
    We’ve been investigating a Belize company called GCWealth. It says its offshore trusts can eliminate tax on your assets, and prevent your spouse or creditors ever accessing the assets. And GCWealth claims that billions of …
    By Dan, 69 words
  3. The TTABlog®
    Keeping Tabs on the TTAB®. By John L. Welch. More info

    TTAB Finds SOLAR CONCIERGE Merely Descriptive of, and Lacking Acquired Distinctiveness for, ..... Guess What?
    The USPTO rejected Dana Redden's application to register the proposed mark SOLAR CONCIERGE for "financial consultation in the field of financing of solar energy projects and financial consulting regarding solar energy." [SOLAR disclaimed]. The Board …
    439 words