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  1. Scarfolk Council, , more info

    Bad Kingdom (1972)
    In 1972, the government drew up plans to construct a deportation facility off the coast of Ireland that could house as many as 70 million people - the entire population of the UK, if need be. The intention was to make it an exact replica of the United Kingdom and call it Bad Kingdom. Nobody, it seemed, fulfilled the increasingly stringent criteria of what it meant to be truly British. …
    By Scarfolk Council, 185 words
  2. Edith's Streets, , more info

    Kilburn Station
    Post to the north CricklewoodThe North London LineThe north London line from West Hampstead Station turns south westwardsArial Road,Hebrew word for water spirit, built by British Land Company 1879Barlow RoadBuilt on the site of the Midland Railway’s West End Sidings – a marshalling yard and goods distribution centre. William Barlow was the Midland Railway’s engineer who built much of St.Pancras Station.Lauriston Lodge, sheltered housingBrassey RoadBuilt on the site of the …
    2,271 words
  3. The Graveyard Detective, , more info

    2022-04-13 10:47
    A Grisly End to a Lancashire Policeman.A grisly end. Sergeant William James Bedwell of the Lancashire Mounted Police had tied his legs together, cut his throat and jumped in the River RIbble -buried at Preston Cemetery, Lancashire. [Some years before he had been severely injured when he had been thrown from his horse and landed on his head]
    By Laurie, 58 words
  4. Biketype, , more info

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  5. Matt's Dev Blog, , more info

    How I hunt down (and fix) errors in production
    Once you’ve deployed your web app to prod there is a moment of satisfaction: a brief respite where you can reflect on your hard work. You sit, adoringly refreshing the homepage of to watch it load over and over. It’s beautiful, perfect, timeless. A glittering crystal palace of logic and reason. Then people start to actually use it in earnest and you begin to receive messages like this in …
    By Matthew Segal, 1,739 words
  6. Flickering Lamps, , more info

    The cemetery serving a submerged parish: St James, Stocks-in-Bowland
    As Britain’s population grew throughout the 19th Century and the demand for water in its towns and cities increased, local authorities and water boards looked to rural areas, building dams in remote valleys and creating large reservoirs. The Stocks Reservoir, completed in the 1930s, is one such reservoir, located in Dalehead in the Forest of… Continue reading The cemetery serving a submerged parish: St James, Stocks-in-Bowland
    By Caroline, 75 words
  7. Julian Hoffman, , more info

    The Spirit of the Wetlands
    “For more than two decades now I’ve lived alongside the pelicans of the Prespa lakes in northern Greece. These birds are—for so many, residents and visitors alike—simply an astonishing and seamless part of being here. There is no Prespa without pelicans. In summer, the skies brighten with their flights, as hundreds of birds, their wingspans … Continue reading The Spirit of the Wetlands
    By julianhoffman, 67 words
  8. In the Middle, , more info

    The Medieval Modern and Carrying on through Grief
    by Cord J. Whitaker I am trying to order my thoughts today. They have been disordered by the specter of global war in a world where democracy is dying in the face of fascism, where a pandemic continues to bring humanity to its knees, and where my beloved cat has died. To carry on with everyday normalcy is a bit of a struggle. In the past, during times difficult for …
    By Cord J. Whitaker, 295 words
  9. Reeding Lessons: the Henry Reed research blog, , more info

    By Reeding Lessons, 2 words
  10. Mind Hacks – Neuroscience and psychology news and views., , more info

    The effect varies for different people. Take a moment and look at this. Some people don’t see anything special: just a blue iris in a red eye. Image: CC-BY Tom Stafford 2022 For me though, there is an incredibly strong depth illusion – the blue and the red appear as if they are at different distances. I can enhance the effect by blinking rapidly, turning the brightness up on my …
    By tomstafford, 736 words
  11. Eliot Peper - Blog, , more info

    Writing is a tool for making new ideas
    Over in Every, I wrote about how writing is more than a method for capturing ideas, it’s a way of exploring them: By externalizing your thoughts, writing puts you into conversation with yourself. It’s always easier to diagnose other people’s problems, and to identify opportunities they might be missing. Just so, writing from the heart gives you a new vantage on you. This is certainly useful if you’re writing for …
    By eliotpeper, 125 words
  12. Nonhuman Autonomous Space Agency, , more info

    durf: Boston Dynamics steals Japanese kawaii tech for its latest robot:
    durf: Boston Dynamics steals Japanese kawaii tech for its latest robot:
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  13. Springwatch - BBC Blogs, , more info

    Discover toads and how you can help them
    Written by Cathy Robinson, nature and travel writer, for Naturehood at Earthwatch Europe Have you been lucky enough to spot a pair of copper-coloured eyes peeping out from a hidey hole this spring? If you have toads on your patch, they’ll have lain low during the colder months, snug in your compost heap, hiding in a pile of dead wood or burrowed into mud, only coming out to forage during …
    By Earthwatch Europe, 833 words
  14. KBBBLOG, , more info

    Slowly creeping towards reopening up my online store! Do you...
    Slowly creeping towards reopening up my online store! Do you like how I do this after the holidays? I’m a professional 😎. However, I have lots of prints, pillows, zines and othe sundry items available IRL if you live in Portland. Swing by during @outletpdx open hours to peruse the selection. Above is a 11x14 risograph print, kelly green on light cream. Edition of ten. Printed on #barbaratheriso 🌈✨ (at …
    81 words
  15., , more info

    I went and wrote a book
    I wrote Responsible JavaScript for A Book Apart. I hope you’ll consider buying it, and if you do, I hope you like it.
    29 words