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  1. Joe's Wood Working Journey, , more info

    Update on Tools I’m Using (been a while since I blogged) & later 2023/early 2024 Shop Layout
    When I started blogging again in 2020, I was using my work computer as my home computer was non-operational. Recently work appropriately increased security on the computers (which I fully endorse) so that I can no longer upload photos from that computer onto my blog. I received a Mac air iPad which is replacing the one I had been using since 2012 which really couldn’t do much. As such, I …
    By HoningTheEdge, 826 words
  2. Swole at Every Height, , more info

    1700 Days: Kill the Bear
    On the 1,729th workout without a rest day I completed a personal record squat set of 185 pounds for 76 reps. This post describes the process I employed to achieve that set and many others along the way. I hope you find this post helpful so that you too can achieve rep max personal records in any lift of your choosing. Watch it now if you haven't seen it. One …
    5,026 words
  3. Making Light, , more info

    Texts, 2023
    This time next year, we'll bring back the Greek, Old Church Slavonic, three kinds of Swedish, Haitian, Icelandic, and Quenya....
    By Teresa Nielsen Hayden, 22 words
  4. Reading all the Books, , more info

    Top Reads of 2023
    Non-fiction Viviane Robinson Reduce Change to Increase Improvement: My brilliant colleague at the National Institute of Teaching, Paula, recommended this. It has been hugely influential in developing leadership approaches that are clear and simple, and is full of helpful and … Continue reading →
    By Jo Facer, 48 words
  5. Bradley's Almanac, , more info

    [The Almanac Radio Show!] Episode 3 Stream & Rundown: December 2023
    December brought episode number three, the last of the calendar year 2023. This edition of “The Almanac” first aired on Wednesday the 6th at 8pm Eastern over on Uncertain.FM, and got a replay the following day at 4pm. By now you’ve hopefully got the drill: The first Wednesday of every month brings a couple […]
    By Brad Searles, 67 words
  6. Invisible Themepark, , more info

    Evan Engber and Yvette Mimieux Kayak the Coquille River
    Never let a name fool you: Yvette Mimieux. The ooo-la-la French seductress thing was all the rage in the early 1960s cinema and TV. After WWII, French culture spilled across the Atlantic and wormed into American culture. French plus female, along with even a minimal degree of attractiveness, propelled a woman into the hearts, minds,… Continue reading Evan Engber and Yvette Mimieux Kayak the Coquille River
    By Lee Wallender, 75 words
  7. Granola Shotgun, , more info

    Whatever Works
    Sometimes a story takes a number of years to ripen. And sometimes two or three stories merge in unexpected ways. I just had a moment of convergence when new infill development, sub rosa adaptation, and wartime migration all collided. Back in the 1990s I used to live across the street from an old gas station. It was still functioning at the time, but some years after I moved it went …
    By Johnny Sanphillippo, 731 words
  8. Alexandru Marian Spanish Guitars, , more info

    Modern fan bracing Cedar/Ziricote
    This is my second in a series of guitars which take inspiration from the work of Dominique Field, this time in Red Cedar and 640 scale. With the addition of an elevated neck and a discreet soundport, I believe these offer an excellent blend of tone, volume, projection and playability, perfectly bridging the gap between purely traditional guitars and modern, heavy body lattice braced soundboards. This set of Ziricote has …
    By chitaremarian, 209 words
  9. Watered Down Physics, , more info

    Book Review: "The Pope of Physics"
    The Pope of Physics is a 2016 biography of Enrico Fermi (1901-1954), written by Gino Segre and Bettina Hoerlin. Segre's uncle Emilio was a student of Fermi's in Rome, whereas Hoerlin's father knew Fermi from Los Alamos, New Mexico in the post-World War II years.I began reading the book earlier this year, before I knew that the movie Oppenheimer was coming out. Both The Pope of Physics and Oppenheimer chronicle …
    By alan, 867 words
  10. David Rumsey Historical Map Collection, , more info

    1320 Selected Maps And Images From The David Rumsey Map Collection
    Over the past 20 years, I have featured these maps and images to rotate on my home page. They represent the growing depth and breadth of the collection.
    By Michael Gubitosa, 36 words
  11. Jazz Scan, , more info

    Holiday jazz 2023: Back to basics
    [Web master's note: Northern California film critic Derrick Bang — the eldest, youngest and only son of this site's primary jazz guru, Ric Bang — has surveyed the holiday jazz scene for more than a quarter century (!). Check out previous columns by clicking on the CHRISTMAS label below.] In early November, this looked like another disappointing year for holiday jazz. With fewer than half a dozen albums to consider …
    By Derrick Bang, 6,017 words
  12. The Girl in the Chair, , more info

    The Return of Percy Jackson and Fantasy High: Big Wins for Weird Nerds
    Hi there. Long time no see. I’m not really sure how to start this, so I guess we’ll just start. 2023 has been an interesting year full of… Life changes? Life adjustments? Life somethings. A few of these life somethings has been really cool, and what have made good blog posts, but maybe at the time I wasn’t sure how I wanted to talk about them, or which parts of …
    By Gwen Johnson, 870 words
  13. Animated Meat, , more info

    Calaveras Big Trees State Park
    An afternoon at Big Trees Dear Reader, I am happy to report that Calaveras Big Trees State Park sits a scant three miles past the town of Arnold, California and is home to two groves of Giant Sequoias. I am delighted to tell you that ample, affordable, highway-close parking makes them the most accessible in the Sierras. I am elated to let you know that being a state park translates …
    By Edward Richter, 1,042 words
  14. TheJavaGuy Blog, , more info

    So what exactly is a whitespace in Java?
    In our programs we often have to deal with whitespaces, for example to sanitize input we received from users or other applications. With the release of Java 11, there have been some changes to the way whitespace is handled, and it’s important for developers to understand these changes in order to avoid potential pitfalls and write efficient, error-free code. In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at whitespace …
    96 words
  15. Ideas.Offby1, , more info

    Serve an S3 bucket over tailscale
    I found myself wanting to host a private website that I could reliably update, but only serve it to users on my tailnet. I didn't find anything obvious that could do the job, but I did realize that between the existence of s3fs, tsnet, and the batteries that come with Go, I could probably bodge together something that does the job for me. This is it: offbyone/tailscale-s3-proxy. It's not complicated, …
    By Chris Rose, 166 words