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  1. CaiusTheory - Latest, , more info

    Running OmniOS via UTM on Apple Silicon
    Wanted to fire up OmniOS to play with and didn’t have any spare x86 hardware to hand so decided to figure out running it in UTM on Apple Silicon, meaning it needs emulation as OmniOS is x86 only. Grab the ISO from the OmniOS downloads page, I used the LTS release but the current stable should work too. Just make sure it’s the ISO version, not USB, etc. Open UTM …
    267 words
  2. Apocalypse Now, , more info

    My 101 Favourite Films of 2023
    1. Close Your Eyesby Victor Erice"The unluckiest filmmaker in the world," was how Ben Sachs described Victor Erice. The funding cut or witheld entirely for projects realized and unrealized, years without financing, dear friends dying before their time, and lately a great movie going undistributed after of a fiasco of a Cannes premiere. As always the central tragedy of film history is people not knowing what they have on their …
    By Scout Tafoya, 6,748 words
  3. Antiquarian's Attic, , more info

    Thetford Priory
    The remains of The Cluniac Priory of Our Lady of Thetford The Cluniac Priory of Our Lady, Thetford, was first founded on the Suffolk side of the Little Ouse river by Roger Bigod in the early twelfth century during the reign of Henry I. Bigod founded the Priory instead of making a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. Approach from the south View of the remains of choir arch from the …
    By Saesnes, 512 words
  4. Ten Years in Sweden, , more info

    The Estonia Case: Challenging Sweden's Blind Faith in Government
    The Estonia disaster of 1994, in which a Baltic Sea ferry sank and hundreds of people lost their lives, symbolizes a problematic phenomenon in Swedish society: faith in the state. This event has raised deep questions about the limits of trust in state institutions, especially in Sweden, a country known for its strong faith in state institutions.The immediate reaction to the disaster and the subsequent investigations showed that many Swedes, …
    By Javier Toms, 808 words
  5. Overreacted, , more info

    The Two Reacts
    UI = f(data)(state)
    6 words
  6. Destroyed and Abandoned, , more info

    Former Bethlehem Steel site
    patgavin:Former Bethlehem Steel siteSteelstacks, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
    10 words
  7. Software Engineering, Web Development and 3D Design - Stratus3D, , more info

    Review of the Kinesis Freestyle Edge Keyboard
    In August I bought a Kinesis Freestyle Edge keyboard off of eBay. I’ve been using it for about four months now, and I’m typing this review on it. I’d been wanting to try out a split keyboard for a long time but didn’t want to spend a lot of money on one. Good quality split programmable keyboards start at around $200. The Freestyle Edge I found on eBay was new …
    1,277 words
  8. metachronistic, , more info

    Blog Migration
    I've decided to migrate this blog to a quarto-based blog format. All future posts will be found here:
    21 words
  9. futureprobe, , more info

    Star Trek: Picard Season Three—The TNG Finale Band-Aid
    WARNING: This article contains spoilers for Star Trek: Picard Season Three, which as of this writing has been out for the better part of a year.In the spring of 1994 Star Trek fans were treated to the wonderful TNG finale "All Good Things". It was a little technobabble-heavy, but it was still an affectionate send-off to the TV adventures of the Enterprise-D crew as they made the jump to the …
    By David Landon, 1,400 words
  10. Alex Mitchell – Medium, , more info

    Vincennes Contextless List of Books 2023
    Vincennes Review of Books 2023 is here!Key:* = Excellent, highly recommend~ = Actively bad, do not recommendFirst readsThe Book of Form & Emptiness–Ruth OzekiLove in Idleness–Charlotte Mendelson Straight Man–Richard Russo *The Complete Magazine Stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald, 1921–1924–F. Scott Fitzgerald *The Book of Goose–Yiyun Li The Imperfect Life of T. S. Eliot–Lyndall Gordon The Liar’s Dictionary–Eley Williams The Coaching Habit–Michael Bungay Stainer Cleopatra and Frankenstein–Coco Mellors The Waste Land: …
    By Alex Mitchell, 266 words
  11. Wynken de Worde, , more info

    reading in grief and hope
    I’ve been writing these posts since 2015, and, especially in recent years, I keep asking the same question: what is time anyway? This year is no different. Or, it is different because there are new griefs and fears and time is moving in ways both slow and fast and it slips through my fingers before I know what to do. Part of this feeling comes from the year’s circumstances. I …
    By Sarah Werner, 1,132 words
  12. Lim Chee Aun – Blog, , more info

    2023 in review
    This is probably going to be short as this year is perhaps the most unproductive year I've ever had.As usual, I start this off with a compilation of monthly "highlights" that I've already listed in my monthly newsletter.January ⌨️ Got my first wireless mechanical keyboard. 👨‍🎨 Made a diagram with Excalidraw. 📹 Made a nice video. 🎮 Played around with some pretty cool UI (1) (2). February 💉 4th jab. …
    998 words
  13. | Craig Kochis, , more info

    Serve Protomaps Tiles with NodeJS
    How to serve protomaps tiles with NodeJS.
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  14., , more info

    TIL: displaying contributor avatars in GitHub changelogs
    While working on a changelog-generation script for my vsvg project, I wanted to display the list of contributors as circular avatars, just like GitHub does in multiple places. After a few Google searches and some failed attempts, I identified a couple of key tricks. The first is about obtaining the avatar image for a given GitHub account. Although the URL is hard to predict, adding .png to the account page …
    221 words
  15. Mocoso - Joel Chippindale's blog, , more info

    Take aways from LeadDev Berlin '23
    I really enjoyed attending and speaking at LeadDev Berlin in 2023. Here are just a few of the things that I took away from the conference. When to make quick decisions I learned the most from Nicky Thompson’s excellent talk, “Making work (and life) less stressful by making better decisions”. This was jam packed with information to help us understand how our brains work (both for and against us) when …
    634 words