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  1. Evidently Cochrane, , more info

    Goodbye Evidently Cochrane
    Well, dear readers, after 11+ years and almost 700 blogs, it's time to say goodbye. Many of you will know that Cochrane UK closes at the end of March 2024, with the loss of NIHR funding, and Evidently Cochrane is one of the casualties of this. The post Goodbye Evidently Cochrane appeared first on Evidently Cochrane.
    By Sarah Chapman and Selena Ryan-Vig, 59 words
  2. Seeing.Thinking.Drawing, , more info

    Happy Lunar New Year!
    In the Chinese Zodiac, this is the Year of the Dragon, beginning on February 10, 2024. The Dragon symbolizes power, nobility, honor, wealth, and success. Those born under this sign are said to possess intelligence, confidence, tenacity, and courage; they can also be, at times, temperamental and impulsive. Famous people born in the Year of the Dragon include John Lennon, Bruce Lee, Martin Luther King Jr., Adele, Stanley Kubrick, Robert …
    By FC_admin, 82 words
  3. Iconic Photos, , more info

    The Truth about the Beijing Turmoil
    Busy was the Chinese Communist Party in the first few days after it brutally suppressed pro-democracy demonstrators on June 4, 1989. It produced a series of horrifying photos and a photo book to justify its brutal suppression. The post The Truth about the Beijing Turmoil appeared first on Iconic Photos.
    By Iconic Photos, 56 words
  4. Hypercritical, , more info

    The iMessage Halo Effect
    The recent Beeper controversy briefly brought the “blue bubbles vs. green bubbles” topic back into the mainstream. Here’s a brief review for those of you who are (blessedly) unaware of this issue. Messages sent using the iMessage service appear in blue text bubbles within the Messages app. Messages sent using something other than the iMessage service (e.g., SMS, or (soon) RCS) appear in green text bubbles. The iMessage service and …
    By John Siracusa, 511 words
  5. Hipsters of the Coast, , more info

    An Overview of the Economics of Magic Content in 2024
    How does Magic content get made? Just like how human babies get made, it isn't cheap. Rich's new column takes a high level look. The post An Overview of the Economics of Magic Content in 2024 appeared first on Hipsters of the Coast.
    By Rich Stein, 53 words
  6. witness2fashion, , more info

    Empire Waists in 1893?
    Empire gown from Delineator, January 1893. Butterick pattern #4944. Sometimes a new fashion takes off and becomes dominant. Sometimes not! While browsing through a fashion and pattern magazine from 1893, I learned something new — which may interest vintage clothing collectors. This is a typical style from 1893: A typical fashion from January 1893, Delineator. A tightly fitted bodice, with huge Leg-o-Mutton sleeves contrasting with a tiny waist. The huge …
    By witness2fashion, 1,175 words
  7. Play the Past, , more info

    How Ubisoft Got Machiavelli Wrong in Assassin’s Creed
    About the author: Iván Goldman is a political scientist from the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina. He is a Researcher at the Meridiano Foundation and the Argentinean Foreign Policy Research Group (GIPEA) of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Buenos Aires, where he also is a Teaching Assistant at the Argentinean Foreign Policy Seminar. Niccolò Machiavelli was arguably one of the most important political thinkers of Western …
    By Iván Goldman, 3,130 words
  8. Secret Desi History, , more info

    Hindus, Muslims, Persians, and Arabs in Gold Rush San Francisco
    An 1851 San Francisco paper described a city of immigrants… I found a lovely line in an 1851 San Francisco newspaper that celebrates the diversity of Gold Rush San Francisco—a boom town whose residents included “Hindoos” (South Asians), “Mussulmans” (Muslims), and people “from the fairy lands of Persia and Arabia”: “In our streets, the fair European jostles with the swarthy Kanaka or the darker Hindoo; the pious Mussulman says his …
    By Anirvan Chatterjee, 212 words
  9. WriteFreely, , more info

    Version 0.15
    Our first release of 2024 is here! This one features many small improvements and fixes, plus a big new feature many people have asked for: newsletters / email subscriptions! Download v0.15.0 now, or read on to see what’s new in this version. Major Features Newsletters / subscribe by email (#478) Now readers can subscribe to receive blog posts via email! Connect an email service to enable email subscriptions and automated …
    601 words
  10. BRON HEBOG, , more info

    Minffordd Update: What's New in 2024
    An update to this blog is severely overdue, it appears. I hadn't realised it had been so long since I had last posted.There's been no big leap forward since the autumn but there have been developments in a number of directions.Rolling stock acquisition continues steadily.The most recent arrivals are a suitably ragbag selection of carriages to represent the final few years of steam haulage on the Cambrian, made up of …
    By Rob Waller, 315 words
  11. Scraplab | a thing by Tom Taylor, , more info

    And we’re live…
    I spent a lot of time in TV studios in my yoof. My dad was a sound engineer, and I took any opportunity I could to bunk off school or use the holidays to go and hang out on whatever he was working on. I’d generally be left alone, because my dad had an actual job to do, so I’d raid the vending machines, chat to bored camera operators, or …
    275 words
  12. Zen Of Design, , more info

    List of Lists: Top Board Games of 2023
    Ever since the double-whammy of ‘having kids’ and ‘global pandemic’, I haven’t been going to board game nights at game stores that much. To regain some of my exposure to new game releases, I tend to watch ‘Top 10’ lists for the last year. This year, I decided to compile all of the top 10 lists I could find to create a global list. This took way more time than …
    By Damion Schubert, 782 words
  13. justmarkup, , more info

    Twelve years
    Twelve years ago I published my first article on this site, and it's still alive (is it?). Writing # I haven't published anything in the last year. Last year I thought I will come back to writing again, but it didn't happen. Maybe I will get back to writing again here, but I just don't know. Social # I'm also not really active anymore on social media. I do browse …
    173 words
  14. Lazy Girl Running – Blog, , more info

    Making space to work out at home
    Making space to work out at home When we moved to out house almost two years ago from one one-bed London flat, I was really excited to have more space to do some home workouts. Living in a small flat, with a toddler through lockdowns was hard, but we made it work. It was where I recorded all of my YouTube workouts that have now had many thousands of plays. …
    By Lazy Girl Running, 628 words
  15. Caustic Cover Critic, , more info

    Best of 2023
    The third of my year-in-reading columns has gone up over at Dorian's blog: the best stuff I read in 2023.
    By JRSM, 23 words