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  1. – Weekly Posts, , more info

    Optimize for Our Humans
    Leading Technical Change is a small, live, remote seminar aimed squarely at a single topic: Real Change in the Real World. A new cohort is open now: March 11,12,14, & 15, 10am to noon Eastern (UTC-5). There are just six seats available, so we can drill down on the actual situations in which you’re seeking […]
    By GeePaw, 60 words
  2. Airbag Industries by Greg Storey, , more info

    Adiós muchachos.
    Perhaps I should be more emotional about this, but this will be my last blog post on Airbag. The time has come to make this domain more useful than where I share my thoughts and feelings about things and stuff. It has been a wonderful stage to practice writing in the English language (still needs a lot of work) and engaging with hundreds of people here on this site and …
    398 words
  3. axel powrie, , more info

    Sun Yizhou & Axel Powrie — fruityspace, Beijing 2023-12-23。
    Your browser does not support the audio element. Recording from a performance at Fruityspace venue in Beijing. Sun Yizhou: hard drives, mechanical devices. Axel Powrie: bass guitar, amplifier, ground loop. mixed and mastered by Sun Yizhou
    45 words
  4. The Scythe Association – Latest News, , more info

    Rust! restoring and protecting scythe blades
    International Peening Day on the first weekend in April each year is a great opportunity to get out scythe blades from hibernation and get them cleaned and peened ready for the new season. There are inevitably occasions where rust forms and it needs removing to restore the blade. This ranges from light surface rust blooms when blades are left and not cleaned and oiled in a timely manner, to heavily …
    By Richard Brown, 1,035 words
  5. Wesley Aptekar-Cassels, , more info

    End-to-end testing emails
    I came up with a really slick trick to write E2E tests that deal with sending/receiving emails recently. This is the sort of thing that seems like it's probably usually sort of a nightmare — I wanted to write a test for registering a account on a website, where part of the flow was clicking on a validation link in a email. The slick trick is a test SMTP server …
    515 words
  6. Derek Powazek, , more info

    Chamomile and Hemp, Sleepy Best Buds
    I’ve been an insomniac my whole life. I remember taking long walks as a teenager around my neighborhood in the…
    By Derek Powazek, 26 words
  7. Saneef’s website, , more info

    Disable built-in DNS clients in Chromium based apps
    All Chromium-based apps such a Google Chrome, Obsidian have a built-in DNS client. I have set up NextDNS on my computer to block ads and trackers. The built-in DNS clients by pass the NextDNS, which I don’t want. On top of built-in DNS is switched on by default, there is no way to switch it off using the UI. In macOS, I found a way to switch it off using …
    256 words
  8. Cabin Porn, , more info

    Black Crystal by @baumraum_treehouses located in the Catskill...
    Black Crystal by @baumraum_treehouses located in the Catskill Mountains. Photographs by @mo More photos on @cabinporn.
    24 words
  9. Uncharted Worlds, , more info

    Bridging from the Fediverse to Bluesky (or not)
    Comments on Ryan Barrett’s plan to create a “bridge” between the Fediverse and Bluesky, with reference to defaults, consent & moderation. Kind of a geeky post coming up! I was going to put it as a comment on the article here, as it’s in response to that – but then I got an error message when I tried to post the comment, so I thought it might as well go …
    By Jennifer, 809 words
  10. Evidently Cochrane, , more info

    Goodbye Evidently Cochrane
    Well, dear readers, after 11+ years and almost 700 blogs, it's time to say goodbye. Many of you will know that Cochrane UK closes at the end of March 2024, with the loss of NIHR funding, and Evidently Cochrane is one of the casualties of this. The post Goodbye Evidently Cochrane appeared first on Evidently Cochrane.
    By Sarah Chapman and Selena Ryan-Vig, 59 words
  11. Seeing.Thinking.Drawing, , more info

    Happy Lunar New Year!
    In the Chinese Zodiac, this is the Year of the Dragon, beginning on February 10, 2024. The Dragon symbolizes power, nobility, honor, wealth, and success. Those born under this sign are said to possess intelligence, confidence, tenacity, and courage; they can also be, at times, temperamental and impulsive. Famous people born in the Year of the Dragon include John Lennon, Bruce Lee, Martin Luther King Jr., Adele, Stanley Kubrick, Robert …
    By FC_admin, 82 words
  12. Iconic Photos, , more info

    The Truth about the Beijing Turmoil
    Busy was the Chinese Communist Party in the first few days after it brutally suppressed pro-democracy demonstrators on June 4, 1989. It produced a series of horrifying photos and a photo book to justify its brutal suppression. The post The Truth about the Beijing Turmoil appeared first on Iconic Photos.
    By Iconic Photos, 56 words
  13. Hypercritical, , more info

    The iMessage Halo Effect
    The recent Beeper controversy briefly brought the “blue bubbles vs. green bubbles” topic back into the mainstream. Here’s a brief review for those of you who are (blessedly) unaware of this issue. Messages sent using the iMessage service appear in blue text bubbles within the Messages app. Messages sent using something other than the iMessage service (e.g., SMS, or (soon) RCS) appear in green text bubbles. The iMessage service and …
    By John Siracusa, 511 words
  14. Hipsters of the Coast, , more info

    An Overview of the Economics of Magic Content in 2024
    How does Magic content get made? Just like how human babies get made, it isn't cheap. Rich's new column takes a high level look. The post An Overview of the Economics of Magic Content in 2024 appeared first on Hipsters of the Coast.
    By Rich Stein, 53 words
  15. witness2fashion, , more info

    Empire Waists in 1893?
    Empire gown from Delineator, January 1893. Butterick pattern #4944. Sometimes a new fashion takes off and becomes dominant. Sometimes not! While browsing through a fashion and pattern magazine from 1893, I learned something new — which may interest vintage clothing collectors. This is a typical style from 1893: A typical fashion from January 1893, Delineator. A tightly fitted bodice, with huge Leg-o-Mutton sleeves contrasting with a tiny waist. The huge …
    By witness2fashion, 1,175 words