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  1. MetaGrrrl, , more info

    So Much For There Being Any Corporate Good Guys
    So I just found out that WordPress / Automattic is preparing to sell user data to Midjourney and OpenAI. So it seems that unless I opt out, my creative work will be sold for AI training. Sold by the company I already PAY to host my websites. If it was opt in I’d be sad because it’s another sign of the open web caving in as it gets strip mined …
    By Dinah from Kabalor, 227 words
  2. Failure Tolerated, , more info

    Stretch Goals Are Haggling
    One of the biggest complaints new creators have is that they hate dealing with stretch goals. it’s a common customer complaint too, because if you do stretch goals wrong (you are), you’ll overburden your project and put yourself behind schedule, over budget, and cut your profits to nothing. So why have stretch goals? What’s the point? You’re doing stretch goals wrong Stretch goals are not “cool stuff we can do …
    By 2024-02-28-Stretch-Goals-Are-Haggling.txt, 970 words
  3. Paul's page, , more info

    rsync backups for NixOS
    There are several nice options in NixOS for specifying scheduled backup jobs, including borgbackup, borgmatic and restic. But I’ve often used rsync in the past, and there is no such module for scheduled rsync jobs (or rsnapshot either). So I wrote my own simple module.
    49 words
  4. Bartosz Ciechanowski, , more info

    The dream of soaring in the sky like a bird has captivated the human mind for ages. Although many failed, some eventually succeeded in achieving that goal. These days we take air transportation for granted, but the physics of flight can still be puzzling. In this article we’ll investigate what makes airplanes fly by looking at the forces generated by the flow of air around the aircraft’s wings. More specifically, …
    108 words
  5. Project Work by Shane Preece, , more info

    The only things we know about the Mirth Gate
    Despite all the media attention Seraph Moore has had over the past four months, he is now barely recognisable from his headshot sent to me by his media team. The give away as I take my seat opposite the diner table from him is his telltale yellow cravat, which sits, tossed aside, next to his full English breakfast. “Sunlight is an issue, down at camp,” he says, which explains the …
    By Shane, 981 words
  6. Molly White, , more info

    Video: Become a Wikipedian in 30 minutes
    This is the transcript for “Become a Wikipedian in 30 minutes”, a video about how to get started editing Wikipedia. Contents Key things to keep in mind Create an account Reliable sources Your first edit Finding an article: Random article Finding citations for unsourced content Adding a citation Topics to avoid as a new editor Finding an article: Task Center Finding an article: Find an interesting fact Citing print books …
    By Molly White, 6,226 words
  7. Drifting Clouds 片雲の風, , more info

    Thoughts from an ordinary Aussie EV roadtrip
    Welcome to Victoria, the long way During the summer holidays we drove our Tesla Model 3 from Sydney to Melbourne via the Princes Highway and back via the Hume, about 2500 km all in including various detours. We’ve now had the Tesla for a year and this was our third longer road trip (>1000 km), taking us across a wide variety of roads, terrain and weather conditions, so here’s some …
    By jpatokal, 1,345 words
  8. – Weekly Posts, , more info

    Optimize for Our Humans
    Leading Technical Change is a small, live, remote seminar aimed squarely at a single topic: Real Change in the Real World. A new cohort is open now: March 11,12,14, & 15, 10am to noon Eastern (UTC-5). There are just six seats available, so we can drill down on the actual situations in which you’re seeking […]
    By GeePaw, 60 words
  9. Airbag Industries by Greg Storey, , more info

    Adiós muchachos.
    Perhaps I should be more emotional about this, but this will be my last blog post on Airbag. The time has come to make this domain more useful than where I share my thoughts and feelings about things and stuff. It has been a wonderful stage to practice writing in the English language (still needs a lot of work) and engaging with hundreds of people here on this site and …
    398 words
  10. axel powrie, , more info

    Sun Yizhou & Axel Powrie — fruityspace, Beijing 2023-12-23。
    Your browser does not support the audio element. Recording from a performance at Fruityspace venue in Beijing. Sun Yizhou: hard drives, mechanical devices. Axel Powrie: bass guitar, amplifier, ground loop. mixed and mastered by Sun Yizhou
    45 words
  11. The Scythe Association – Latest News, , more info

    Rust! restoring and protecting scythe blades
    International Peening Day on the first weekend in April each year is a great opportunity to get out scythe blades from hibernation and get them cleaned and peened ready for the new season. There are inevitably occasions where rust forms and it needs removing to restore the blade. This ranges from light surface rust blooms when blades are left and not cleaned and oiled in a timely manner, to heavily …
    By Richard Brown, 1,035 words
  12. Wesley Aptekar-Cassels, , more info

    End-to-end testing emails
    I came up with a really slick trick to write E2E tests that deal with sending/receiving emails recently. This is the sort of thing that seems like it's probably usually sort of a nightmare — I wanted to write a test for registering a account on a website, where part of the flow was clicking on a validation link in a email. The slick trick is a test SMTP server …
    515 words
  13. Derek Powazek, , more info

    Chamomile and Hemp, Sleepy Best Buds
    I’ve been an insomniac my whole life. I remember taking long walks as a teenager around my neighborhood in the…
    By Derek Powazek, 26 words
  14. Saneef’s website, , more info

    Disable built-in DNS clients in Chromium based apps
    All Chromium-based apps such a Google Chrome, Obsidian have a built-in DNS client. I have set up NextDNS on my computer to block ads and trackers. The built-in DNS clients by pass the NextDNS, which I don’t want. On top of built-in DNS is switched on by default, there is no way to switch it off using the UI. In macOS, I found a way to switch it off using …
    256 words
  15. Cabin Porn, , more info

    Black Crystal by @baumraum_treehouses located in the Catskill...
    Black Crystal by @baumraum_treehouses located in the Catskill Mountains. Photographs by @mo More photos on @cabinporn.
    24 words