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  1. Writing With Color, , more info

    Desi Parenthood, Adoption, and Stereotypes
    I have a story set in the modern day with supernatural traces, with three characters: a young boy, his bio dad, and his adoptive dad. The boy and his bio dad are Indian, the adoptive dad is Chinese. The bio dad is one of the few people in the story with powers. He put his son up for adoption when he was a child because at the time he was …
    856 words
  2. undercoverlocal, , more info

    My Failed Journey to Become a First Home Buyer
    There is a space between renting woes and property sales that is often unseen. On the one hand, we read stories of students renting places with black mould and being taken to the tenancy tribunal for supposedly causing damage to their under-maintained properties. On the other hand are the first home buyers being priced out of the property market, and the novelty articles about people in their 20s beating the …
    By vicpiano, 2,054 words
  3. Building Our Past, , more info

    A Date for Findlater’s Corner
    Findlater’s Corner – a prominent site on the western approach to London Bridge railway station – was restored to its original glory by The Arch Company, working with Benedict O’Looney Architects, in 2022. The result is impressive. Important aspects of the building’s history, however, have been misunderstood. This landmark site is named after the wine and spirit dealer, Findlater, Mackie, Todd & Co., which moved into new premises beneath the …
    By buildingourpast, 696 words
  4. Vehlinggo, , more info

    It’s Been a Dream, But It’s Time For the Next Chapter
    I was going to wait to do this until Nov. 19, 2024, the 10th anniversary of this site’s launch. However, now’s the right time., this music website updated with various degrees of regularity since 2014, is going on an indefinite hiatus. That big deep dive with The Midnight about their upcoming Dark Horse Comics graphic novel was essentially the last interview for this site. Vehlinggo the entity will still …
    By Aaron Vehling (Vehlinggo), 887 words
  5. Yusuf's Home, , more info

    Linux text manipulation
    learning a lot about sed, awk and other commands by making a spotify statusbar widget
    By - (Yusuf Bouzekri, 18 words
  6. Janealogy - Blog, , more info

    Mapping birthplaces
    I’ve been experimenting with the MapChart website to produce maps showing the birth county of people in North Walls and Brims in two censuses, 1861 and 1921. What do you think? 1861 Census And here’s 1921, a much smaller population, 401 rather than 597, but a wider spread of birthplaces partly due to the Naval base at Lyness. Middlesex – actually all these people were Londoners, some from the East …
    By Janealogy, 111 words
  7. AAIIINTT, , more info

    Do other people’s memories look like this?
    I don’t feel like this is what Microsoft were expecting when they set up the ‘on this day’ feature. What a day though. What a day…
    33 words
  8. Tim Holt-Wilson | Writing, , more info

    Conserving Norfolk’s Earth Heritage
    Text of a Presidential Address (2023) delivered to the Norfolk & Norwich Naturalists’ Society at Norwich, 26-3-2024 Thank you – firstly – for doing me the honour of asking me to be your President for 2023. It is a particular honour as my background is in geology and geological conservation, and the Society has a strong biological emphasis. However, it has never turned its back on geological enquiry. Many years …
    By Tim Holt-Wilson, 4,161 words
  9. Shenton Stage, , more info

    ShentonSTAGE Newsletter: MARCH 18-24
    Welcome to my theatre newsletter, in which I offer notes and reflections on some of what I’ve been up to in the last seven days, both in and out of the theatre. I feel that in recent months I’ve been offering something of a ‘Groundhog Day’ paragraph (or three) somewhere, in as much as I’ve been regularly reflecting on my ongoing bout of depression. That sense of days repeating themselves …
    By Mark Shenton, 1,545 words
  10. Jordan Mechner - Latest News, , more info

    Monte-Cristo bientôt en anglais !
    Je suis heureux de vous annoncer que Monte-Cristo, ma trilogie de bande dessinée qui transpose le classique d'Alexandre Dumas dans l'Amérique de l'après 11 septembre avec de splendides illustrations de Mario Alberti, paraîtra en anglais chez Magnetic Press plus tard dans l'année. Notre campagne Kickstarter débute aujourd'hui et durera jusqu'au 12 avril. Vous pouvez précommander la version anglaise (224 pages en version reliée ou numérique) ainsi que différentes contreparties et …
    200 words
  11. p1k3, , more info

    Monday, January 4, 2021 - keeping a log: 9 months / ~1k entries in
    Monday, January 4, 2021 keeping a log: 9 months / ~1k entries in Previously: org mode, vimwiki, timeslice. Mechanisms inspired directly by: A demo & talk from Lars Wirzenius on his ikiwiki-based external brain and journal; fediverse discussion of the Org mode agenda; and possibly too much reading about the Zettelkasten. Back in March, in the throes of a bunch of rabbitholing about note-taking, I roughed out a system for …
    976 words
  12. various bits – Blog, , more info

    When companies get bought
    Just in my inbox is an email from DeployHQ – my favoured deployment tool since as long as I can remember – telling me that they’ve been bought by DeployBot. My first reaction whenever this sort of transaction happens (a couple off the top of my head: GoDaddy buying ManageWP, WPEngine buying ACF, Atlassian buying Trello) – I don’t think “woo, superb, access to a whole bigger company who will …
    By Mike Ellis, 335 words
  13. The Functional Art, , more info

    The conversation continues on my bilingual newsletter
    Just a reminder of my newsletter, available in English and Spanish. Let's continue the conversation there!
    By Alberto Cairo, 23 words
  14. Craig Maloney, , more info

    Checking In: 2024-03-25
    Checking in for 2024-03-25: Buckle up. This is a big update. Yesterday I felt like I was going to explode. I compared it to the video game "Dig Dug", which has been an interesting litmus test for how old my doctors / nurses are. I'm not going to sit here chastising folks for not having the same childhood that I did (I find the whole "do these kids know how …
    By craig, 307 words
  15. Gemma Copeland — Writing, , more info

    Mapped launch
    We’re hosting an event in London in a few weeks to launch Mapped, a project we’ve been working on over the last six months with the support of the Joseph Rowntree Reform Trust. ​Mapped integrates with common organising platforms like Airtable, Mailchimp and Action Network to augment membership lists with other useful data sources. ​Organisers can visualise their membership lists on a map overlaid with contextual geographic, demographic and political …
    791 words