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  1. Die, Workwear!, , more info

    American Space Cowboys
    It’s often said that America has not been this divided since the Civil War, but even these tumultuous times pale in comparison to the social unrest of the 1960s, when post-war America’s cleavages along race, gender, and sexuality threatened to rip the nation apart. Within ten short years, the United States saw the unfolding of [...] Read More... The post American Space Cowboys appeared first on Die, Workwear!.
    By divert-brew-diagonal, 71 words
  2. Affluent Detritus, , more info

    CLR Pink Collection
    CLR is a beloved brand in the candle community, which is a corny opening sentence but also completely true. They’re inclusive and diverse, owned and operated by LGBTQIA+ people of color who donate a percentage of their profits back to the community, so this isn’t Big Candle, this is Cool Candle. Most importantly, their scents, throw, and burn are always top-notch, so I was excited when they offered to send …
    By sarahbrown, 550 words
  3. Reading Sheffield | Blog, , more info

    Pam Gibson’s reading journey
    Pam was born in 1952 and has lived in Sheffield for 51 years. She was a teacher. Reading has always been extremely important to me, although I cannot remember how I got started or recall having stories read to me. I have vague recollections of Joyce Brisley Lankester’s Milly Molly Mandy and Noddy and Big Ears from Enid Blyton, but my clearest memories of reading and being read to come …
    By Val Hewson, 1,354 words
  4. The Family Museum – Blog, , more info

    M. S. Blenheim
    In the mid-1970s, three women in their twenties decided to treat themselves to a Mediterranean cruise ship holiday. They sailed with the Fred Olsen Lines ‘Winter Cruise Club’ aboard the M. S. Blenheim, which began its service in 1970, and weighed 10,427 tons. These souvenir photos were taken by a professional photographer working for ‘Onboard Services’. How long this cruise was and exactly where they sailed to is unclear, but …
    By The Family Museum, 235 words
  5. AVC, , more info

    I’ve Moved Onchain
    Over the last few years, I’ve moved my internet life from web2 to web3 and rarely use any web2 services anymore. So I am starting a series called “I’ve Moved Onchain” to explain this journey to everyone and today’s opening post is about blogging, naturally. I’ve blogged at for a very long time. I started out in September 2003 at but moved to a few years later. …
    By Fred Wilson, 747 words
  6. Max Slater, , more info

    Brooklyn Botanical Garden
    Brooklyn Botanical Garden, New York, NY, 2024
    10 words
  7. Wesley’s Notebook, , more info

    Replacing the Anubis CGM Battery
    By Wesley Aptekar-Cassels
  8. Grand Text Auto, , more info

    Gram’s Fairy Tales: Manual & Grimoire
    Taper, an online literary magazine published twice yearly, is now in its 12th issue. An independent editorial collective (Kyle Booten, Angela Chang, Kavi Duvvoori, Leonardo Flores, Helen Shewolfe Tseng, and Andy Wallace, for this issue) makes all the decisions about selections, themes for forthcoming issues, and so on, and also handles all communication with authors. They do all the work! Editors are allowed to submit works, in which case they …
    By Nick Montfort, 1,560 words
  9., , more info

    Mint is home!
    Our hearts are full of gratitude tonight to the hard working men and women of the Marin County Sheriff’s Office, the San Francisco Police Department, and the other law enforcement agencies of the Bay Area who worked together to safely recover our child, Mint, from the streets of San Francisco this evening. We want to thank family, friends, volunteers, and strangers who called in tips and made this recovery possible. …
    By Caterina Fake, 257 words
  10. Haze Guitars — Blog, , more info

    Tools: Rich Mans Nut Files
    Last time, I talked about what I called the poor man's saddle sander. I promised we'd look at the other end of the spectrum this time around. I want to talk about some really bloody expensive nut files. My nut files were getting old. I have a bundle of different styles but generally preferred the double-edged nut files that cut a V-shaped slot. I prefer these over the straight-edged files …
    By Gerry Hayes, 832 words
  11. Caffeinspiration, , more info

    Harry Chapin and RATM: the problem with bleeding interests
    Note: this post requires a basic familiarity with the songs discussed. If you’re not familiar with them, I’d recommend you listen to at least a portion of the following three songs: Free Bird by Lynyrd Skynyrd (YouTube) Cat’s in the Cradle by Harry Chapin (YouTube) Killing In The Name by Rage Against The Machine (YouTube) There are many musical genres I like, and what I listen to usually depends on …
    584 words
  12. The London Dead, , more info

    The woman in white; Caroline Graves ( c. 1830-1895) Kensal Green Cemetery
    As a young man Collins probably had his romantic experiences those "intimacies" to which the Dictionary of National Biography rather ambiguously refers. But when he was thirty-five and seemingly a confirmed bachelor, he formed an attachment with a married woman ten years his junior, which greatly influenced his life and about which he remained steadfastly and discreetly silent to all but his closest friends. It began with a queerly dramatic …
    By David Bingham, 813 words
  13. potch has a website, , more info

    My favorite part of my zsh config
    A few years ago, I thought it would be funny to have sudo cd work to cd into nonexistent directories, and so I manifested: # in .zshrc function sudo() { if [[ "$1" == "cd" ]]; then shift mkdir -p "$@" cd "$@" else /usr/bin/sudo "$@" fi } Used the following way: 🦒 potch@floyd : ~ » cd notreal cd: no such file or directory: notreal 🦒 potch@floyd : ~ …
    88 words
  14. London Shoes, , more info

    *London’s Lost Music Venues Pt7 – “The Scotch of St. James” – Mason’s Yard-SW1
    This is just a quick short & sweet ‘Shoes’ blog that I hadn’t initially planned to publish, as I had already given the subject matter a ‘light touch’ within the content of a recently published blog article (ie Mason’s Yard). However – because the subject matter in question sat nicely within the existing ‘Shoes’ category of “London’s Lost Music Venues”, I felt the topic deserved a blog in its own …
    By Geoff Clements, 1,728 words
  15. Pub History Project – Leicester, , more info

    Palmarina Tapas, Cocktail & Wine bar opened circa 2018. Photo credit above: Leicester Mercury. Photo credit above: Palmarina Facebook Page. Music, coffee, café bar. As of writing, Palmarina is very much still open for business.
    By pubprojectleicester, 40 words