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  1. Jessie at Home, , more info

    Jessie At Home Summer Sale!
    I know! It’s been awhile. Things have gotten a bit busy here At Home. My hope is that in the fall I will be able to give more love to Jessie At Home, and update and release patterns. In the meantime, I’m having a 50% off sale on Ravelry!!!! Use the code Summer and get 50% off any and all of my patterns! The code expires on July 31st, 2024 …
    By Jessie, 101 words
  2. Left and to the Back, , more info

    Everybody's Number One To Someone
    Well, I said I'd be back with something soon. And how has that turned out? Have I come up with something that you want?I hope so. My new blog "Everybody's Number One To Someone" focuses on all the tracks which reached number one in the NME indie charts, from 1981 onwards. It's over here, comes with complete Spotify playlists (of absolutely everything that charted within their Top 30 each year). …
    By 23 Daves, 212 words
  3. Lumbland, , more info

    More tackle talk
    For a few years now I've been using leger stems for my eel fishing. I know full well that when the line is tightened they don't stand upright, but once the line is out of the clip they do, which might help the line flow more freely. The way I've been making them is quite simple and so far has withstood casting using two ounce leads. I've tried pulling them …
    By Dave Lumb, 986 words
  4. Chris Burnell · The Homepage, , more info

    July Project Updates
    An update on two projects I’ve been working on—one new and one old—based on some development oversights I’ve made in the past that I’d like to prevent going forward. Howdy folks! It’s been a little while since my last post. I think I gassed myself out a little bit after posting every day during May, but I’ve still been keeping busy working on a couple of projects. eleventy-cache-webmentions v2.1.0 Beta …
    720 words
  5. Sean Boots, , more info

    Speaking at the Government Operations committee this Wednesday
    On Wednesday, July 24, Prof. Amanda Clarke and I will be appearing at the House of Commons Standing Committee on Government Operations and Estimates (OGGO) to discuss the research paper that we recently shared as a preprint. If you’d like to tune in you can watch via the ParlVU livestream starting at 11am Eastern Time (8am Yukon time). You can see recaps of our previous two OGGO appearances from Nov. …
    744 words
  6. Tom Armitage » Blog, , more info

    Worknotes: Summer 2024
    Coming up for air. What happened is: I lined up the Next Thing (as mentioned at the end of last quarter’s worknotes), and then it promptly proceeded to entirely consume my time and brain for the next quarter. Which is good, from an income-and-labour perspective, but was somewhat to the detriment of the content strategy here, where I’d hoped to be able to write smaller, spikier pieces of content between …
    893 words
  7. Pieter Belmans — blog, , more info

    An update for K-stability
    After attending an Oberwolfach workshop with Kristin DeVleming and Anne-Sophie Kaloghiros where they helped me navigate the literature on K-stability for Fano 3-folds (thanks so much!), the current state of the art can now be found on the K-stability page. I will add more explanations to Fanography after my holidays, for the time being I'll just refer to the K-stability Wikipedia page. I am sure I have made mistakes, and …
    92 words
  8. Graphic Journey Blog, , more info

    Oskar Altherr 1919 - 2010
    A rare poster by Oskar Altherr For more about the extraordinary story of Oskar Altherr, click the links below. Part one two three
    By Mike Dempsey, 28 words
  9. cavmaths, , more info

    Carnival of Maths #229
    Roll up, roll up, roll up and welcome to the two hundred and twenty ninth Carnival of Mathematics! 229 is a prime number, and that in itself is interesting. Its the “elder” of a set of twin primes. 229 is in fact the smallest prime, that when you add it’s mirror (922) to it you get another prime! It is also the minimum number of crossings you get for the …
    By srcav, 462 words
  10. Out of the Past, , more info

    New & Upcoming Classic Film Books (23)
    I've returned with an exciting new edition to my classic film book round ups. Every time I curate these lists I worry that this will be the one that disappoints. But they never do. I really like this selection of memoirs, coffee table books, scholarly texts, reissues and paperbacks. There is really truly something for everyone here.Are you new to my list? Here are the details. The books include biographies, …
    By Raquel Stecher, 2,401 words
  11. David Didau – Blog, , more info

    How should we view the performance of the most disadvantaged students?
    In spite of our best efforts, the academic performance of our most and least advantaged students stubbornly refuses to close. In fact, as a recent report from the Education Policy Institute shows, the gap seems to be getting wider. Nationally, disadvantaged students at the end of primary school were 10.3 months behind their peers [...]
    By David Didau, 66 words
  12. Logo Design Love, , more info

    2024 Logo Trend Report
    Each year, for more than 20 years, Bill Gardner of Gardner Design has been studying thousands of logos to select the strongest fit for the year’s Trend Report. “Flat Box” logos (above) by Scorpion Rose Studio and Semi:Formal, Blue Blazes, Asterisk, and Creative Spark. Speaking about the collection, Bill said, “As ever, this report is an observation of the logo design industry and isn’t meant as a guide for best …
    By David Airey, 350 words
  13. Silvia Maggi - Designer, , more info

    My ukulele diary – part 2
    The second of a series of posts in which I document my progress learning to play the ukulele. This post is long overdue. I started writing it several times but I have never been focused enough to do it. As with writing on my blog, also my exercising has slowed down. The previous diary entry ended with strumming rhythms and changing between the C, F and G chords. I was …
    By Silvia Maggi, 354 words
  14. Study Hacks - Decoding Patterns of Success - Cal Newport, , more info

    Dispatch from Herman Melville’s Farm
    Growing up in New York, first in the city and then later in Albany, a young Herman Melville made frequent trips to stay with his uncle, Thomas Melvill, who lived on a farm near Pittsfield, in the Berkshire mountains of Western Massachusetts. In 1850, Thomas decided to sell his property. Melville, now with a young family of his own, arrived that summer for what they believed to be his final …
    By Study Hacks, 774 words
  15. Forgotten Television Drama, , more info

    Kaleidoscope: The Play’s The Thing
    Kaleidoscope, the classic TV organisation, is holding a day event on the Television Play at the Midlands Art Centre (MAC) in Birmingham on Saturday 7 September 2024, 10.00-5.30pm. The event will include screenings of plays made for Armchair Theatre, Saturday Night Theatre, Thirty Minute Theatre and Television Theatre From The Midlands, and there will be a screening of The Mystery of Cader Ifan (1967), a rare Conan Doyle adaptation featuring …
    By lezcooke, 300 words