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Pieter Belmans — blog

My mathematical interests are in algebraic geometry, noncommutative algebra and higher structures.

  • By Pieter Belmans
  • Based in Luxembourg
  • Roughly one post per month
  • First post on

Posts per month

Data for this chart is available in the table below
Posts per month
Month starting Posts
Oct 2022 1
Nov 2022 3
Dec 2022 4
Jan 2023 1
Feb 2023 4
Mar 2023 1
Apr 2023 1
May 2023 1
Jun 2023 0
Jul 2023 4
Aug 2023 3
Sep 2023 2
Oct 2023 0
Nov 2023 1
Dec 2023 0
Jan 2024 0
Feb 2024 3
Mar 2024 5
Apr 2024 0
May 2024 1
Jun 2024 0
Jul 2024 3

Any gaps could be due to errors when fetching the blog’s feed.

Most recent posts

An update for K-stability
After attending an Oberwolfach workshop with Kristin DeVleming and Anne-Sophie Kaloghiros where they helped me navigate the literature on K-stability for Fano 3-folds (thanks so much!), the current state of the art can now be …
On , 92 words
PhD positions at the University of Luxembourg
The Department of Mathematics at the University of Luxembourg has 8 open positions, as part of a project in fundamental mathematics with a significant computational and experimental twist. All information on how to apply can …
On , 96 words
This post concerns QuiverTools. If you use it for your research, please cite it using . QuiverTools I am really excited to announce something that has been in the making for quite some time, and …
On , 344 words