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  1. This Space, , more info

    The end of literature, part five
    "Stupid" and "a marketing exercise" were the first two descriptions I saw of the New York Times' 100 Best Books of the 21st Century polled from hundreds of "literary luminaries" offering ten choices each, and while it is both of those things, "parochial" is the first word that comes to this non-American mind, and not only in the predominance of books written by Americans. The word also applies to "best", …
    By Stephen Mitchelmore, 1,194 words
  2. Learn Lead Grow, , more info

    Create an Interactive Math Calculator Using Claude AI
    Did you know that you can use AI for more than just looking up information? I experimented with using Claude AI to generate an interactive math activity out of HTML, where students could input variables to determine the area of triangles, rectangles, and circles.Claude generated code and suggestions in just a few seconds! The model offered students a visual aid, clear instructions to help them calculate the area, and a …
    By Matt Bergman, 159 words
  3. Slatians hideout on the Web |, , more info

    Templating Zoo
    What is Templating? Templating in the sense of this articlee is when there is a text with placeholders that get filled in according to some set of rules (the templating language). Using templating is often easier than hardcoding some string assembly logic, it also has the benefit that the template could be read in from a configuration file. In case you've ended up here because you have some sample templating …
    By Slatian, 676 words
  4. Sara Joy, , more info

    Weaknote 2024-07-25 (a tab amnesty)
    A weak note
    8 words
  5. Mr. Money Mustache, , more info

    $656,000 of Frugal Things I Still Love Doing
    – “I used to read Mr. Money Mustache”, some people say these days, “Until he got all rich and fancy so that he no longer understands the common person’s plight. Stash probably doesn’t even practice any of these money-saving things he preaches any more!” When I read things like this, I can’t help but laugh. Because on the one hand, when you put a bunch of personal life details online …
    By Mr. Money Mustache, 2,308 words
  6. Brand New, , more info

    By Brand New, 2 words
  7. Oh Hello Ana - Blog, , more info

    A love letter to the community-led events
    I wouldn't be where I am today if it wasn't for community-led events in the front-end community, and I am forever grateful for that. However, I am heartbroken by the current state of the events. Many community-led events have recently been cancelled due to low ticket sales, which feeds a gigantic gap of events left by the pandemic. I remember we had to cancel the in-person London CSS and IndieWebCamp …
    692 words
  8. The Ideophone, , more info

    Living with Latour
    A while back I read Bruno Latour’s After Lockdown, his last sole-authored book. It is beautiful and written with the poetic vision of someone whose world, whose Earth, whose Universe has come alive with relations, actors and networks. It is excellent as a worked example of how to use Actor Network Theory to grapple with life as it comes at you fast (or slow). ANT itself is not mentioned by …
    By Mark Dingemanse, 336 words
  9. Other Strangeness, , more info

    The Horror of Super Solvers: Midnight Rescue
    “Educational” games were all over the road in the late 80s and early 90s. Sometimes they’d just be a cartoon rabbit trying to get you to do math problems, and sometimes they’d have you driving across the country to try and teach you geography. But one game of the time stands out in my memory — and, I’d imagine, the memories of many who played it — for kind of …
    By merritt k, 547 words
  10. St. John's Wort, , more info

    Floral: From the Ground Up
    Revelations come in odd places. I had gotten off the St. Clair replacement bus the other month and was walking across Maple Claire park from the Gunns Road streetcar loop. It’s the shortest and least aromatic path to the event space where I pick up the odd shift. Getting to work is an exercise in avoidance in the Stockyards. If you were to walk along Glen Scarlett you would pass …
    1,542 words
  11. Sci-fi interfaces | Stop watching sci-fi. Start using it., , more info

    You’re the only one who can stop him
    Superhero shows are a weird subgenre of sci-fi. The super-powers and how the superheroes use them in pursuit of their world-saving goals are often the point, and so often skimp on the sci part of sci-fi. The Amazon original The Boys is no different, where the core novum is a chemical (compound V) that gives people superpowers. I love the show. Though it’s definitely for adults with its violence and …
    By Christopher Noessel, 1,801 words
  12. brr, , more info

    Brr Wants A Job
    8 months post-ice, it's time for something new!
    12 words
  13., , more info

    Design for Real Life News!
    If you’re reading this, odds are you’ve at least heard of A Book Apart (ABA), who published Design for Real Life, which I co-wrote with Sara Wachter-Boettcher back in 2016. What you may not have heard is that ABA has closed up shop. There won’t be any more new ABA titles, nor will ABA continue to sell the books in their catalog. That’s the bad news. The great news is …
    By Eric Meyer, 645 words
  14. Libraries – Thomas Guignard photography, , more info

    Lakehead University Library
    The precursor to today’s Lakehead University in Thunder Bay, Ontario was Lakehead Technical Institute, established in 1946 in response to urgent need for higher education in the province’s northwest region. Lakehead became a university through royal assent in 1965 with Senator Norman McLeod Paterson as fist chancellor. The library rises over the eclectic elements of the Lakehead University campus. Hugging a small lake among the deciduous trees of the boreal …
    By Thomas Guignard, 352 words
  15. Uneasy Money, , more info

    Thoughts and Details on the Fiscal Theory of the Price Level
    The Fiscal Theory of the Price Level has been percolating among monetary theorists for over three decades: Eric Leeper being the first to offer a formalization of the idea, with Chris Sims and Michael Woodford soon contributed to its further development. But the underlying idea that the taxation power of the state is essential for the acceptability of fiat money was advanced by Adam Smith in the Wealth of Nations …
    By David Glasner, 3,006 words