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  1. Too Much Horror Fiction, , more info

    Ghouls in My Grave by Jean Ray (1965): Dig Up Her Bones
    This past spring I was visiting San Diego to meet up with family and on the drive down that way lucked into finding a delightful little bookstore, Artifact Books (not to be confused with Artifacts bookstore in Hood River, OR). I poked around a bit, found a small horror section, and then found the long boxes of bagged vintage paperbacks, various genres, but mostly fantasy and horror. Unfortunately
    By Will Errickson, 80 words
  2. Georgios Karamanis — blog, , more info

    TidyTuesday 2024/32
    TidyTuesday 2024/32It's the Olympics for this week's #TidyTuesday. From 1896 to 2016, there have been more U.S. male athletes named John than U.S. female athletes in any single sport, except athletics.Code on GitHub
    By Georgios Karamanis, 35 words
  3. Jeffs Gameblog, , more info

    Garth Ennis & Jacen Burrows unleash BABS!
    Garth Ennis sends up fantasy? Sounds like fun.
    By Jeff Rients, 15 words
  4. Pages of Perfiction, , more info

    A Lie for a Lie by Jane Buckingham: a 5 star review
    IntroductionHi everyone! Do y'all still remember me? I seriously doubt it. It's been so long since my last post, but I'm BACK for an arc review of this amazing book!Do you ever stumble upon a book so electrifying that you forget the world around you? That's exactly what happened to me with Jane Buckingham's A Lie for a Lie. This novel is not just a page-turner; it’s a white-knuckle ride …
    By Paige C., 650 words
  5. Zak Reviews, , more info

    Review: Skilhunt MiX-7 - an impractical, but fun flashlight with seven LEDs and five colors
    Overview The Skilhunt MiX-7 (affiliate link) is a flashlight with seven LEDs and five colors of light output: white, red, green, blue, and ultraviolet. It runs on an 18350 battery, which is usually associated with small, pocket-friendly lights, but the wide head required for all those LEDs and their individual reflectors means that the MiX-7 is a wide flashlight best suited to carry in a bag or jacket pocket. When …
    By Zak, 1,058 words
  6. The Shelter Stone, , more info

    The White Mounth
    I’d been to Lochnagar, Càrn a’ Choire Bhòidheach, Càrn an t-Sagairt Mòr, Cairn Bannoch, and Broad Cairn several times over the years, but I hadn’t yet visited them all in one continuous circuit. Since I had the free time last week, and the weather wasn’t horrendous, I went and ran & hiked this classic Aberdeenshire round. It’s a good day out. Something worth repeating in a different season. I started …
    By Will Ellwood, 400 words
  7., , more info

    Brick Red
    The workshop, it is painted! At last! Brick red can look pretty exotic in the sunshine you know.
    20 words
  8., , more info

    State of the fasterthanlime 2024
    It's time for some personal and professional news!TL;DR: I started a podcast with James, I'm stable on antidepressants, I'm giving a P99 CONF about my Rust/io_uring/HTTP work, I'm trying on "they/them" as pronouns, I'm open-sourcing merde_json, rubicon and others, I got a divorce in 2023, I found a new business model.
    56 words
  9. Dr Laura James's writings, , more info

    Need an empathetic engineering leader to develop something new or complex? Hire me!
    I’m looking for work. My experience doesn't neatly fit standard job titles or sectors, and I've got an eclectic set of criteria for what I want to do, so maybe you can help me find a job which brings them together. I've got a broad set of management, tech and sustainability skills. I've experience with products, operations, organisations; with open stuff and non-profit stuff and systems engineering and shared infrastructure …
    By Laura James, 2,209 words
  10. Plainly & Painfully, , more info

    TRACK | BLOUS3 – Goo Goo
    5/5 golden merles “Goo Goo” is Sacramento-based noise punk with cutting phrasing and instrumental hooks concerning the crimes of Johnson & Johnson. How can a culture appropriately reply to grievous wrongdoing committed that effectively goes unpunished? In spitting their own legalese and cowardice back at the bastards, BLOUS3 gives it a worthy attempt. Conveying your contempt is a valuable and worthy endeavor in art as well as in life, especially …
    By z-s, 295 words
  11. Stamen | Blog, , more info

    Highway Shields On the Open(StreetMap) Road
    Maps are fascinating things that show us a world that is both deeply personal and excitingly unfamiliar. As professional cartographers, we understand the joy of browsing parts of the world where you’ve never been before, but we also know that the first thing people usually do when they see a map is to find their own house. One of the often-overlooked aspects of maps that give this feeling of familiarity …
    By Ross Thorn, 4,475 words
  12. Bill Petro Blog, , more info

    Olympic Silver Medal Finally Awarded to Tim Koleto
    Olympic Silver Medal Finally Awarded to Tim Koleto Today, my friend Tim Koleto was awarded the Olympic Silver Medal with the Japan figure skating team in Paris at the Victory Ceremony near the Eiffel Tower and the River Seine. His mother, his constant cheerleader, was there to see it. Olympic Victory Ceremony The “Victory… Bill Petro, your friendly neighborhood historian Subscribe to have future articles delivered to your email. …
    By billpetro, 117 words
  13. Cogito, Ergo Sumana | Home, , more info

    Links and References For My PyCon US Keynote
    Today I’m giving the closing keynote address at PyCon US 2024, sharing “Untold stories from six years working on Python packaging.”I aim to post a fuller transcript with slides within the next several weeks. But, …
    44 words
  14., , more info

    Home(Owner) Again
    I wasn’t really mentioning this publicly, but now that the papers are all signed, I’m happy to announce we just bought a house! It’s a very, very, very fine house in a quiet neighborhood in Rutland, Vermont. Which means, yep, I’ll be a Vermont resident again. It feels like a nice culmination to spending the last year exploring the country (almost exactly a year – we left August 17th, and …
    By Nadreck, 99 words
  15. Joy of Computing, , more info

    IPA (phonetic) wordle solver
    Wednesday, Aug 7 IPA (phonetic) wordle solver (permalink) made and submitted by rfong find words that fit phonetic criteria! a total cesspool of regex. don't actually use it to cheat at phonetic wordle though, it's better for your linguistics brain to solve puzzles yourself. — rfong
    By rfong, 49 words