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  1. The Sewing Goatherd, , more info

    The Goat Dresses
    Who wouldn't want a goat dress?No, No, No. I don't mean a dress for the goat to wear! I mean a human dress, with a goat print on it!Despite my years and years of raising goats, and my (slightly fewer) years of making myself what ever dress struck my fancy, I actually never considered making myself a goat dress, until The Dreamstress shared this Gilbert Adrian dress on Facebook last …
    By Alyssa, 911 words
  2. RetroFun! – Osiem bitów powraca!, , more info

    Nie wszystko stare co 8-bitowe
    Chociaż strona ta poświęcona jest erze 8-bitowej, kiedy w Polsce królowały Atari, Commodore i Pegasusy, a ja aż do czasów Pentium III byłem “jedynym” posiadaczem... Read more
    By ikari, 32 words
  3. Paul Mucur, , more info

    Weeknotes #109
    Having boarded our flight to Türkiye (estimated flight time of three and a half hours) with a two- and a four-year old, E—— received a text from the airline telling us our flight had been delayed two hours. We deployed every form of entertainment we had on us before the plane had even left the gate: a “scratch pad”, two magnetic “doodle pads” and my Nintendo Switch. As I walked …
    368 words
  4. Bonfire, , more info

    Bonfire Expeditions - Camp! A bounty programme
    🎉 Welcome to the Bonfire Bounty Programme # Bonfire is an open source framework written in Elixir that enables communities to create their own federated digital space. These spaces can range from simple group chats to complex infrastructures for municipalities, and everything in between. The Bonfire Bounty Programme offers monetary compensation for tackling specific challenges. This initiative aims to inspire developers to learn the stack and framework and to create …
    883 words
  5. nyanpasu64's blog | Home, , more info

    A guide to CRT photography
    It's well-documented that acquiring a CRT display instantly awakens an instinct to show off photos of game title screens and calibration patterns to every Discord friend and server within earshot, at the expense of actually playing games on the display. CRT photography is a tricky art, requiring you to account for factors like flicker, moire, brightness and color accuracy, and room glare to produce optimal results. Here is a guide …
    By nyanpasu64, 85 words
  6. Save vs. Total Party Kill, , more info

    Ramanan Sivaranjan Awards for Excellence in Gaming 2024
    Work was mind numbingly busy, and then I hopped on a plane to the East Coast. I saw people posting about the Ennies and realized those assholes hosted their awards before I announced the winners of the Ramanan Sivaranjan Awards for Excellence in Gaming. What’s up with that? This is the 10th year for the Ramanan Sivaranjan Awards for Excellence in Gaming. While these awards improve like a good scotch, …
    By Ramanan Sivaranjan, 804 words
  7. Jade Rubick -, , more info

    Don't repeat incidents
    Today, I’ll share the best organizational approach I’ve found to improving reliability. It is effective at organizations that focus on shipping, and struggle to prioritize reliability work. With this approach, you can enjoy the benefit of rare, artisanally curated incidents, instead of repeating the same boring incidents you’ve experienced before. This approach is called “Don’t Repeat Incidents” work. Or, DRI work. The origin of Don’t Repeat Incidents We developed this …
    1,903 words
  8. Azazel's Bitz Box, , more info

    Zombicide Toxic City Mall Expansion: Toxic Walkers Pts.5 &6
    Today we have the final two poses of Toxic Zombies from Zombicide: Toxic City Mall! Two different sets of male Zombies in puffer jackets. While the blog hasn’t had consistent updates over the last couple of months, I was still doing some painting during that period, even if I was not actively posting. So with two more sculpt types left to complete the Toxic Zombies, I managed to knuckle down …
    By Azazel, 250 words
  9. Chopstick Chronicles, , more info

    Japanese Yuzu Curd
    If you’re a fan of citrus flavors, you’ll love this yuzu curd. Yuzu is a unique fruit that brings a tangy and slightly floral taste that’s perfectly balanced by the creaminess of the curd. This delicious yuzu curd can be spread on toast, used as a filling for pastries, added to yoghurt and desserts, or ... The post Japanese Yuzu Curd appeared first on Chopstick Chronicles.
    By Shihoko Ura, 69 words
  10. Too Much Horror Fiction, , more info

    Ghouls in My Grave by Jean Ray (1965): Dig Up Her Bones
    This past spring I was visiting San Diego to meet up with family and on the drive down that way lucked into finding a delightful little bookstore, Artifact Books (not to be confused with Artifacts bookstore in Hood River, OR). I poked around a bit, found a small horror section, and then found the long boxes of bagged vintage paperbacks, various genres, but mostly fantasy and horror. Unfortunately
    By Will Errickson, 80 words
  11. Georgios Karamanis — blog, , more info

    TidyTuesday 2024/32
    TidyTuesday 2024/32It's the Olympics for this week's #TidyTuesday. From 1896 to 2016, there have been more U.S. male athletes named John than U.S. female athletes in any single sport, except athletics.Code on GitHub
    By Georgios Karamanis, 35 words
  12. Jeffs Gameblog, , more info

    Garth Ennis & Jacen Burrows unleash BABS!
    Garth Ennis sends up fantasy? Sounds like fun.
    By Jeff Rients, 15 words
  13. Pages of Perfiction, , more info

    A Lie for a Lie by Jane Buckingham: a 5 star review
    IntroductionHi everyone! Do y'all still remember me? I seriously doubt it. It's been so long since my last post, but I'm BACK for an arc review of this amazing book!Do you ever stumble upon a book so electrifying that you forget the world around you? That's exactly what happened to me with Jane Buckingham's A Lie for a Lie. This novel is not just a page-turner; it’s a white-knuckle ride …
    By Paige C., 650 words
  14. Zak Reviews, , more info

    Review: Skilhunt MiX-7 - an impractical, but fun flashlight with seven LEDs and five colors
    Overview The Skilhunt MiX-7 (affiliate link) is a flashlight with seven LEDs and five colors of light output: white, red, green, blue, and ultraviolet. It runs on an 18350 battery, which is usually associated with small, pocket-friendly lights, but the wide head required for all those LEDs and their individual reflectors means that the MiX-7 is a wide flashlight best suited to carry in a bag or jacket pocket. When …
    By Zak, 1,058 words
  15. The Shelter Stone, , more info

    The White Mounth
    I’d been to Lochnagar, Càrn a’ Choire Bhòidheach, Càrn an t-Sagairt Mòr, Cairn Bannoch, and Broad Cairn several times over the years, but I hadn’t yet visited them all in one continuous circuit. Since I had the free time last week, and the weather wasn’t horrendous, I went and ran & hiked this classic Aberdeenshire round. It’s a good day out. Something worth repeating in a different season. I started …
    By Will Ellwood, 400 words