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  1. The Solar Pool - Blog, , more info

    TFN 2024 Thoughts.
    My excellent Nick Roche commission. First up, a quick piece of housekeeping for people that don’t follow me on social media: Because writing Revisitation is so time consuming and difficult (and whilst my break for TFN was planned, you’ll have noticed it doesn’t take much to knock me off-course and create an unplanned gap), I’ve decided that, once I’ve reached the end of 2012 in six weeks, I’m going to …
    952 words
  2. RabbitFarm, , more info

    It’s Good To Change Keys
    The examples used here are from the weekly challenge problem statement and demonstrate the working solution. File Index "" Defined by 1. "" Defined by 5. Part 1: Good Integer You are given a positive integer, $int, having 3 or more digits. Write a script to return the Good Integer in the given integer or -1 if none found. The complete solution is contained in one file that has a …
    408 words
  3., , more info

    12th August, 4:48 pm
    I really like this guide to 3D pixel-projections for games - true isometric is almost always never used, but there are a quite a few useful variants to mix and match.
    By Cal Henderson, 35 words
  4. UX Knowledge Base Sketch, , more info

    How to design better notifications
    Notification UXAnnoying interruption vs. useful piece of informationHow to design better notifications — UX Knowledge Piece Sketch #62In this article, I focus on push notifications & in-app notifications, but there are also email notifications — if you want to provide a good user experience, these all should work together, like a good orchestra.Push notificationsIt is a message sent to a user’s device (e.g. mobile, computer) that lives outside the app. …
    By Krisztina Szerovay, 1,200 words
  5. The Thesis Whisperer, , more info

    Academic Cyborgs and Bullshit Reading
    The other day, my good friend Professor Narelle Lemon sent me a link to an academic paper called “AI and its implications for research in higher education: a critical dialogue” because it cited … one of my old blog posts. It’s a good paper, and open access, so I recommend having a read. It’s written as a debate between the two authors: Russell, an AI enthusiast, and Rachel, who is …
    By Thesis Whisperer, 3,163 words
  6. Star In A Star, , more info

    Moon Phases Names – an easy way to remember
    The 8 Moon Phases Names Here are the “official” 8 Moon Phases in order: New – the new moon is not visible Waxing Crescent – the Moon starts growing First Quarter – the moon looks like half a circle Waxing Gibbous – still growing Full – we see the entire circle of the Moon lit … Continue reading "Moon Phases Names – an easy way to remember" The post Moon …
    By Daniel Cummings, 94 words
  7. Kris Hallett - life as theatre, , more info

    Edinburgh Day 3
    Edmond Rostand’s 1897 romance Cyrano de Bergerac has become a classic to explore over recent years. James McAvoy and Jamie Lloyd smashed it apart on Lloyd’s ascent to the stars but Virginia Gay’s Cyrano (Traverse ☆☆☆☆☆) playing here after its smash Australian season, is just as beguiling and eventually as rousing, beaming its way into being one of the fringes great hits. This is not Rostand’s version, no prosthetic honkers …
    By kristopherhallett, 1,567 words
  8. Sounding Out!, , more info

    Listening to MAGA Politics within US/Mexico’s Lucha Libre
    This series listens to the political, gendered, queer(ed), racial engagements and class entanglements involved in proclaiming out loud: La-TIN-x. ChI-ca-NA. La-TI-ne. ChI-ca-n-@. Xi-can-x. Funded by an Andrew W. Mellon Foundation as part of the Crossing Latinidades Humanities Research Initiative, the Latinx Sound Cultures Studies Working Group critically considers the role of sound and listening in our formation as political subjects. Through both a comparative and cross-regional lens, we invite Latinx …
    By guestlistener, 1,608 words
  9. Iain Plays, , more info

    Wristwatch Roulette II of XII: Robocwatch
    What's this; Now/Then? # If you've just joined us, welcome to my series: Wristwatch Roulette, where I furnish my forearm with two fancy finds a fortnight, from fan-favourite Ali Express, market of choice for my 2023 series Shenzhen Safari, and 2024 series Shenzhen Sojourn. I'd buy that for a dollar! # But, is it even possible to top the regal highlight of Wristwatch Roulette Ⅰ? I should just give up …
    841 words
  10. The Sewing Goatherd, , more info

    The Goat Dresses
    Who wouldn't want a goat dress?No, No, No. I don't mean a dress for the goat to wear! I mean a human dress, with a goat print on it!Despite my years and years of raising goats, and my (slightly fewer) years of making myself what ever dress struck my fancy, I actually never considered making myself a goat dress, until The Dreamstress shared this Gilbert Adrian dress on Facebook last …
    By Alyssa, 911 words
  11. RetroFun! – Osiem bitów powraca!, , more info

    Nie wszystko stare co 8-bitowe
    Chociaż strona ta poświęcona jest erze 8-bitowej, kiedy w Polsce królowały Atari, Commodore i Pegasusy, a ja aż do czasów Pentium III byłem “jedynym” posiadaczem... Read more
    By ikari, 32 words
  12. Paul Mucur, , more info

    Weeknotes #109
    Having boarded our flight to Türkiye (estimated flight time of three and a half hours) with a two- and a four-year old, E—— received a text from the airline telling us our flight had been delayed two hours. We deployed every form of entertainment we had on us before the plane had even left the gate: a “scratch pad”, two magnetic “doodle pads” and my Nintendo Switch. As I walked …
    368 words
  13. Bonfire, , more info

    Bonfire Expeditions - Camp! A bounty programme
    🎉 Welcome to the Bonfire Bounty Programme # Bonfire is an open source framework written in Elixir that enables communities to create their own federated digital space. These spaces can range from simple group chats to complex infrastructures for municipalities, and everything in between. The Bonfire Bounty Programme offers monetary compensation for tackling specific challenges. This initiative aims to inspire developers to learn the stack and framework and to create …
    883 words
  14. nyanpasu64's blog | Home, , more info

    A guide to CRT photography
    It's well-documented that acquiring a CRT display instantly awakens an instinct to show off photos of game title screens and calibration patterns to every Discord friend and server within earshot, at the expense of actually playing games on the display. CRT photography is a tricky art, requiring you to account for factors like flicker, moire, brightness and color accuracy, and room glare to produce optimal results. Here is a guide …
    By nyanpasu64, 85 words
  15. Save vs. Total Party Kill, , more info

    Ramanan Sivaranjan Awards for Excellence in Gaming 2024
    Work was mind numbingly busy, and then I hopped on a plane to the East Coast. I saw people posting about the Ennies and realized those assholes hosted their awards before I announced the winners of the Ramanan Sivaranjan Awards for Excellence in Gaming. What’s up with that? This is the 10th year for the Ramanan Sivaranjan Awards for Excellence in Gaming. While these awards improve like a good scotch, …
    By Ramanan Sivaranjan, 804 words