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Sounding Out!

pushing sound studies into the red since 2009.

  • By Jennifer Lynn Stoever, Liana M. Silva, Aaron Trammell
  • Based in United States of America
  • Roughly one post per month
  • First post on

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Most recent posts

Technologies of Communal Listening: Resonance at the Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago
In both sound studies and the sonic arts, the concept of “resonance” has increasingly played a central role in attuning listeners to the politics of sound. The term itself is borrowed from acoustics, where resonance …
On , by harryburson, 2,689 words
to follow an invisible creek: in search of a decolonial soundwalk praxis
i begin with an acknowledgement of the myriad of organizers, scholars, artists, and teachers that have shaped and continue to shape the way that i think and write. Édouard Glissant, Christina Sharpe, Lucille Clifton, Saidiya …
On , by ameia, 2,339 words
Music Video as Process: “Revitalize” by T-Rhyme
What is a music video, anyway? Historically dismissed by film theorists as cinematically flawed or by the public as mere promotional snippets, music videos didn’t used to get the credit they deserve as a serious …
On , by lizprzybylski3d3956a6ab, 2,692 words