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  1. Anton's site 💙💛 | writings, , more info

    Anton Podviaznikov
    Anton Podviaznikov namevalue tableBordernone tableWidthinitial tableFontSizeinitial tableCellPaddingBottom0.8rem tableFirstRowColor#555 noteHeaderPropsnone linkIconyes slugcv About Engineer. From Ukraine. SF->NYC->Miami. Work Experience 2017-2021Mulesoft/Salesforce 2014-2017Runnable 2011-2013CircuitHub 2010-2011Montora 2007-2010Eclipse/Sigma Education 2008-2010Master degree in Software Engineering. 2004-2008Bachelor degree in Software Engineering. Contact Website [email protected] GitHubpodviaznikov LinkedInpodviaznikov
    41 words
  2. The Scholar's Stage, , more info

    The Silicon Valley Canon: On the Paıdeía of the American Tech Elite
    I often draw a distinction between the political elites of Washington DC and the industrial elites of Silicon Valley with a joke: in San Francisco reading books, and talking about what you have read, is a matter of high prestige. Not so in Washington DC. In Washington people never read books—they just write them. To write a book, of course, one must read a good few. But the distinction I …
    By T. Greer, 160 words
  3. Anurag's Math Blog, , more info

    Daisies and hypercubes
    What is the smallest number of points in the -dimensional (hyper)cube needed to hit every -dimensional subcube? To be clear, a subcube of dimension is obtained by fixing coordinates to some specific values and then letting the other coordinates vary. Therefore, in total there are copies of in and our set of points must intersect each of them. For example, and an optimal construction is shown below with the red …
    By Anurag Bishnoi, 762 words
  4. Namerology : Articles Archives, , more info

    Living the Jream? It Depends Who You Ask.
    How do you pronounce the name Jrue? The question is straightforward enough. The answer, though, leads us into a thorny maze of names, language, culture and identity. Because Jrue, as in basketball star Jrue Holiday, is a phonetic spelling. It’s the familiar name Drew, but spelled like it sounds…to some people. The D/J Divide English speakers are split on the pronunciation of the consonant combo DR. To some it’s simply …
    By LauraWattenberg, 589 words
  5. Belgian Smaak, , more info

    EP051 | Belgian Beer World
    Photos by Kasper Mundt-Nielsen This editorially independent podcast has been supported by VISITFLANDERS as part of the “Straight Talk” series of podcasts. podcast is about Belgian Beer World, the new visitor experience housed in the iconic Bourse building in Brussels’ city centre. The podcast features an in-depth interview with Krishan Maudgal, Director of the Belgian Brewers Federation, about the obstacles the project faced: the huge costs required a robust public-private …
    By Breandán Kearney, 294 words
  6. Lines and Colors, , more info

    Eye Candy for Today: Fragonard’s The Little Park (gouache)
    The Little Park, Jean-Honoré Fragonard, gouache on parchment, roughly 8 x 10″ (20 x 24 cm); in the collection of the Morgan Library and Museum, NY. I had the pleasure of seeing this delightful little gouache painting by the 18th century French Rococo painter in a show at the Morgan several years ago. I was aware of the larger oil of the same subject in the Wallace Collection in England …
    By cparker, 161 words
  7. XIX век, , more info

    Coming soon: a translation comparison of Fathers and Children (or Sons)
    Translating the title is a neat illustration of how, even in prose, “literal” isn’t all people care about. The Russian title Ottsy i deti (Отцы и дети, 1862) has symmetrical regular plural endings and means “fathers and children.” The possible alternative Ottsy i synov’ia would have unmatched endings and mean “fathers and sons.” (IIRC Nabokov preferred Invitation to a Beheading to the literal Invitation to an Execution for the opposite …
    By Erik McDonald, 707 words
  8. Going back to electronic after a 20 years break, , more info

    swindle (lnBMP) v0.3
    A small release of swindle, a blackmagic derivative with rust in it :Changelog (short):- Better CH32v3xx support (host and target)- Rewrote ADiv logic so that we can ...- Use RP2040 PIO hardware to drive SWD- Update to latest blackmagicand still the Main features :- Run on GD32F303, CH32V303, RP2040- Support ARM devices and WCH riscv devices (CH32V2xx and CH32V3xx)- Soft breakpoint to debug code in ram (Arm only for now)- …
    By meanX, 81 words
  9. HOVERSTAT.ES, , more info

    Chesas da Cultura Engiadina
    A raw, stylised yet functional site for Chesas da Cultura Engiadina, featuring an almost isometric slideshow transition of architectural images with use of mix-blend mode, blurs and opacity sitewide creating a soft layered effect. View on
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  10. Adam McKerlie, , more info

    Using AI to write blog posts, then and now
    Six years ago I spent a week training a neural network to write blog posts and the results were terrible. Now with LLMs I want to see how much easier and better the results are.
    44 words
  11. – Recent Blog Posts, , more info

    Things I’m Not Eating Anymore – Peanut Butter
    “Things I’m Not Eating Anymore” is a photography project I hope will also serve as motivation to continue improving my overall health and eating habits. You can read the first post in this series that does a much better job of explaining all that, here. For a brief period during elementary school, I attended after-school care at Mrs. Murray’s house on the Main Street of my hometown. She watched a …
    By Brian, 789 words
  12. The Birdist, , more info

    New Book! Dinosaurs to Chickens: How Evolution Works is out now!
    I'm really proud to announce that my new book, Dinosaurs to Chickens: How Evolution Works, is out now. This is a book that I would have devoured as a kid, as it makes critical connections between modern and prehistoric animals. Growing up it felt like we learned about two totally separate groups of animals: extinct dinosaurs and living everything else. The dinosaurs had their time, and now modern species had …
    By NickL, 652 words
  13. Noisy Decent Graphics, , more info

    "only invest in businesses that are so wonderful that an idiot can run them, because sooner or later, one will"
    A Warren Buffett 'aphorism' from the FT.
    By Ben, 27 words
  14. xian | Mediajunkie, , more info

    Palette nearly full
    At this point we may have recorded all of the instrumental parts. I mean, we reserve the right to add a trombone here or a french horn there, maybe a synth part, etc., but for now we have got all the instruments recorded according to the current plan. Next month we’ll work on backing and […]
    By xian, 59 words
  15. Lewis Dale - Blog, , more info

    The Raleigh Refurb
    Last year, I bought a Raleigh Randonneur touring frame, which I used as my commuting bike for work. For a while, it was brilliant, but last winter was pretty hard on it, and there were parts of the frame that weren’t properly painted or protected from the elements. So it got rusty, parts broke, and at the start of this year I abandoned it in favour of a NoLogo singlespeed. …
    By Lewis Dale, 821 words