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  1. Girls' Angle, , more info

    Girls’ Angle Bulletin, Volume 17, Number 6
    The electronic version of the latest issue of the Girls’ Angle Bulletin is now available on our website. Before you look on the inside front cover to see what the cover image represents, what patterns do you make out in it? In this issue, we present the first installment of an interview with Boston University Professor of Mathematics Jennifer Balakrishnan. In this first part, we Jennifer traces her history from …
    By girlsangle, 419 words
  2. PERFUME PROFESSOR, , more info

    Passing Fancies ~ August 2024
    Reading: Deerskin by Robin McKinley, recommended in an online course about dark fairy tales that I just took Art: I’m deep in thoughts about Henry Fuseli’s The Nightmare. Join my Morbid Anatomy session on this cult classic painting! Audio: Spotify’s “day lists” are pretty funny. Mine are mostly reacting to the large amount of Beatles I played all summer while my workplace was hosting a show of Paul McCartney’s photos. …
    By Jessica, 290 words
  3. Hundred Rabbits, , more info

    Summary of changes for August 2024
    Hey everyone!This is the list of all the changes we've done to our projects during the month of August. Summary Of Changes, added new pages: Sointula, Johnstone Strait anchorages, and Central coast anchorages. Updated existing pages: added Yuculta and Dent rapids with southbound tactics, no windlass with 3 new photos, lpg with troubleshooting, and gimballed stove with performance tests. Left, added support for macros. Uxnfor, added support for macros. …
    By Rek Bell, 297 words
  4. Steve Huff Reviews - HiFi Reviews, , more info

    Is HiFi Audio Gear Burn in REAL? My take.
    Is audio gear burn in real or is it just our ears getting used to the sound? I have tested this and here is my opinion... [...] The post Is HiFi Audio Gear Burn in REAL? My take. first appeared on Steve Huff Hi-Fi and Photo.
    By Steve Huff, 55 words
  5. ramen! ramen! ramen!, , more info

    making of yakibuta cup ramen
    Almost hypnotic…I think I fell into a trance watching this!The post making of yakibuta cup ramen first appeared on ramen! ramen! ramen!.
    By Edjusted, 27 words
  6. Desert Canyon Farm Green Thoughts, , more info

    August 31, 2024 September Already, Peaches, Virtual Plant Walk-About
    Greetings Friends! It is tree fruit harvest season and nothing much else can make me smile more!! This morning found me picking peaches from the two peach trees in Cedar’s play yard. Some were shared, but most will be eaten fresh or put in the freezer for Chris and I to enjoy now and in the cold months of the year. It has been three years since we have had …
    By desertcanyonfarmgreenthoughts, 1,146 words
  7. Italian poetry for English speakers, , more info

    Sembran fere d'avorio in bosco d'oro, by Anton Maria Narducci
    The original: Sembran fère d’avorio in bosco d’oro\ le fère erranti onde sí ricca siete; anzi, gemme son pur che voi scotete da l’aureo del bel crin natio tesoro; o pure, intenti a nobile lavoro, cosí cangiati gli Amoretti avete, perché tessano al cor la bella rete con l’auree fila ond’io beato moro. O fra bei rami d’or volanti Amori, gemme nate d’un crin fra l’onde aurate, fère pasciute di …
    272 words
  8. print "Me", , more info

    Integrating Wise and Google Sheets
    I am a long time user and fan of Wise, since it was called Transferwise. I even used it to transfer money from Italy to Hungary (€->HUF) when I got married, so I’m emotionally attached to it. It’s cheap, reliable, the app works fine and the site is simple and fast. <plug> Go sign up and earn us both a reward. </plug> Anyway, one my few gripes with it is …
    By gabriele renzi, 970 words
  9. The Stone and the Shell, , more info

    Will AI make us overconfident?
    Like the internet or a magical sidekick, chatbots are reorganizing knowledge to be more interactive and more accessible.
    By tedunderwood, 23 words
  10. The FiveCentsPlease Blog, , more info

    You're Not Elected, Charlie Brown soundtrack to be released September 6, 2024
    Here's election season news that everyone will be happy to hear: a new album with the complete Vince Guaraldi soundtrack for the 1972 Peanuts television special You're Not Elected, Charlie Brown will be released on CD, vinyl, and digital on Friday, September 6, 2024, courtesy of the good folks at Lee Mendelson Film Productions.Most of this soundtrack is previously unreleased - a few tracks appeared previously on compilation albums, but …
    By Scott McGuire, 691 words
  11. Matt Fantinel, , more info

    Cool Links Vol. 2: August, 2024
    If anything looks wrong, read on the site! Welcome to the second ever edition of Cool Links! This was kind of a half-month for me, as I went on vacation on the 18th and didn't really read anything worthwhile after that. Still, I was able to find some cool reads below. As a reminder, Cool Links contains the best things that I've read during the month, not things that were …
    837 words
  12. Longest Voyage, , more info

    [log] [left blank]
    Been having a lot of moments lately where I sit down to do something creative and I can’t manage to get anything down. I try to at least spend a few minutes to see if I can get over that initial hump of getting started. But that hasn’t been working. Routine has been particularly helpful for me. Until my environment or schedule gets knocked around. I would do something for …
    By ge (Jamie Crisman, 179 words
  13. No Bells, , more info

    NTS August 2024: Mano b2b Serge
    The boys are back in town. The post NTS August 2024: Mano b2b Serge appeared first on No Bells.
    By Mano Sundaresan, 25 words
  14. SLIME MOLD TIME MOLD, , more info

    Links for August 2024
    DefenderOfBasic: “one of the most popular tools I ever made was this thing to explain how JPEG images are created out of these mathematical patterns … made in a couple hours for a talk, didn’t even bother trying to style it/make it look good.” Despite this, it is good. Try the jpeg-sandbox here. The “Free Choice” Dilemma The idea of feeding minerals “free choice” to livestock came about by a …
    By slimemoldtimemold, 910 words
  15. Ace Linguist, , more info

    What I'm Reading Now
    I'd been hoping to launch a better tool for lexical set analysis this month, but it didn't work out. Hopefully for September.I finished reading "Language vs Reality" by Nick Enfield, and I'd recommend it for anyone interested in the topic of limitations of language. I was especially interested by the idea that the purpose of language is to create different Schelling points (ways to coordinate without agreeing beforehand). By this …
    148 words