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  1. Cinematic Catharsis, , more info

    Short Take: Waxworks
    (1924) Directed by Paul Leni; Written by Henrik Galeen; Starring: Emil Jannings, Conrad Veidt, Werner Krauss, William Dieterle and Olga Belajoff; Available on Blu-ray and DVD Rating: ***½ “Ivan was a blood-crazed monster on a throne, who turned cities into cemeteries. His crown was a tiara of mouldering bones, his sceptre an axe. His council-room was a torture chamber, with the Devil and Death as chief ministers.” – Intertitle for …
    By Barry P., 842 words
  2. von Explaino - Journal Page 1, , more info

    Werewolf the Apocalypse metroidvania GDD
    If I really want to make a Werewolf Metroidvania, a Game Design Document seems a good first step
    23 words
  3. Biased and Inefficient, , more info

    Two approaches to approximating sums of chisquareds
    The distribution of a \(n\times n\) quadratic form in Gaussian variables, \(X^TAX\) is a linear combination of \(\chi_1^2\) variables: \[Q\sim\sum_{i=1}^n\lambda_iZ^2_i\] where \(\lambda_i\) are the eigenvalues of \(A\Xi\) and \(\Xi\) is the covariance matrix of \(X\). This is not in the tables at the back of the book. For reasonable values of \(n\) and reasonable tail probabilities, the Satterthwaite approximation is perfectly reasonable. It is of the form \[\tilde Q_0\sim a\chi^2_d\] …
    96 words
  4. - Home, , more info

    You Wake Up
    TL;DR: A creative writing exercise inspired by getting up too many times last night.
    17 words
  5. swissmiss, , more info

    Things That Have No Soul
    ”Understand me…I do not have time for things that have no soul.” – Charles Bukowski
    By swissmiss, 20 words
  6. The Laravel Blog, , more info

    Herd 1.11 Now Available
    We're thrilled to announce the next big step for Laravel Herd, making the best development environment for macOS and Windows users even better. This update ships an integration with Laravel Forge, a profiler, a way to store your project configuration in your repository, and massive improvements for the dump debugger.
    By Taylor Otwell, 54 words
  7. ongoing by Tim Bray, , more info

    New Amplification
    The less interesting part of the story is that my big home stereo has new amplification: Tiny Class-D Monoblocks! (Terminology explained below.) More interesting, another audiophile tenet has been holed below the waterline by Moore’s Law. This is a good thing, both for people who just want good sound to be cheaper, and for deranged audiophiles like me. Tl;dr This was going to be a short piece, but it got …
    1,830 words
  8. Bonkers about Perfume, , more info

    Sticky back plastic: my (historic) run in with seborrheic dermatitis, and testing perfumes in unusual places
    Long term readers (or any Instagram followers) may recall that I am prone to several kinds of dermatitis: mainly the allergic and irritant contact variety, about which I have done a few posts, most notably - and graphically! - this one.I did also have a six month spell of seborrheic dermatitis, which came out of nowhere after the first Covid booster vaccine - I will of course never know if …
    By Vanessa, 87 words
  9. FauxHammer - Blog, , more info

    Warhammer Age of Sigmar Stormbringer Delivery 21: Issues 79-80 Review
    And thus, we arrive at the end. With the final two issues of Stormbringer now out in the wild, the The post Warhammer Age of Sigmar Stormbringer Delivery 21: Issues 79-80 Review appeared first on FauxHammer.
    By VoltorRWH, 46 words
  10. Grizzlebit, , more info

    Unread 4.2 ↬
    John Brayton: Similarly there is a new optional Next Article menu item for the swipe left menu of the article view on iPhone and iPad. To enable it, open the Settings screen, select Articles under Basic Options, and turn on Next Article under Basic Actions. I tend to do a continuous scroll through my unread article list each day on my phone and often want to skip over long articles …
    By Ray Grasso, 89 words
  11. Julia Evans, , more info

    Reasons I still love the fish shell
    I wrote about how much I love fish in this blog post from 2017 and, 7 years of using it every day later, I’ve found even more reasons to love it. So I thought I’d write a new post with both the old reasons I loved it and some reasons. This came up today because I was trying to figure out why my terminal doesn’t break anymore when I cat …
    2,214 words
  12. The Common Table, , more info

    Essentially Local Slippurinn
    Chef Gísli Matt’s restaurant Slippurinn is on a tiny Icelandic island buffeted by trade winds in the middle of the Atlantic and only opens for a short season. The Common Table talked to him about decolonising island cuisine and whether “local fine dining” is an oxymoron or an answer. Slippurinn is a restaurant situated near the harbour of a 10,000-years-young active volcanic island archipelago south of Iceland. Buffeted by trade …
    By Sophie & Orlando, 1,979 words
  13. Composite, , more info

    Whill battery hack night at General Lithium
    This week we held a little powerchair hack night with GOAT, Justin from General Lithium, CriptasticHacker and associates from Spokeland, Morgan from CIL, and more friends, to explore the battery technology of Whill Fi and Ci powerchairs. A Ci battery teardown is in progress along with an investigation into the Fi and its charger. There was also knitting, and an adorable small support dog on a fluffy cushion. I had …
    By Liz, 1,121 words
  14. Landscape and Nature Photography Photoblog • Michael Russell Photography, , more info

    A Trio of Photos: Sunset at Alouette Lake
    Often I’m left with a selection of photos from a certain place and I try to choose the best one for a blog post. Sometimes that choice is clear, sometimes it is not. I tend to settle on 3 selections to publish in my Image Library from a given location/time that has provided a good ... Read more The post A Trio of Photos: Sunset at Alouette Lake appeared first …
    By Michael, 82 words
  15. We Are Cult, , more info

    ‘The Exorcist III’ (1990): An Appreciation
    Jay Gent wrote on We Are Cult: ‘The Exorcist III’ (1990): An Appreciation ❉ Nick Clement revisits the underrated gem that outshines its weaker sequels and modern reboots. “I have hobbies. In the meantime, we have cancer and mongoloid babies and murderers, monsters prowling the planet, even prowling this neighborhood, Father… right now, while our children suffer… and our loved ones die, and your God goes waltzing blithely through the …
    By Jay Gent, 936 words