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  1. Ant Harris, , more info

    Icecreams #1 – #11
    1. Vanilla – Homemade – 21.07.242. Tiptree Marmalade – Anya Hindmarch Icecream project – 25.07.243. Filippo Berio Classic Pesto – Anya Hindmarch Icecream project – 25.07.244. Kikkoman Soy Sauce – Anya Hindmarch Icecream project – 25.07.245. Mint Choc Chip – Homemade 28.07.246. Cherry – Homemade 29.07.247. Vanilla – Worton Kitchen Garden 03.08.248. Millionaires Shortbread – Treleavens 17.08.249. Brown bread – Palais Provisions 20.08.2410. Fig Leaf – Palais Provisions 20.08.2411. Banana …
    By adramble, 77 words
  2. Shouting Into The Void, , more info

    15mm Ruin
    It has been a while since I've done any 15mm terrain, so I slapped together some 3d printed ruin bits from Printable Scenery and made a simple box for my little men to hide in.The figures are PSC's plastic 15mm paratroopers.
    By Peter Fitz, 43 words
  3. Canadian Climate Institute - Blog, , more info

    Industrial vs. consumer carbon pricing: A cost comparison
    By conflating consumer and industrial carbon pricing, PBO's modelling skews the perceived impact on the economy and households The post Industrial vs. consumer carbon pricing: A cost comparison appeared first on Canadian Climate Institute.
    By Aiman Ghori, 42 words
  4. aka pastor guy, , more info

    Why Not?: Tariffs
    This is the first in a series of posts on the reasons I will not be voting to return the former president to the White House. My focus here is not to support his opponent but instead to explain why I believe that Donald Trump is manifestly unqualified for the role.For someone who graduated from the Wharton School (albeit graduating with a Bachelor of Science in Economics rather than an …
    By Mark (aka pastor guy), 1,124 words
  5. Joel Auterson, , more info

    Is Bluesky in the Fediverse?
    Bluesky is having A Moment right now, and my feed is getting busier with games industry folks. It’s lovely! I’m a little sad Mastodon didn’t get the same love but Bluesky is undoubtedly easier to use. At the same time, another challenger social media platform is having a different kind of moment. Cohost is being shut down - the creators are understandably unable to sustain funding for it. I didn’t …
    1,461 words
  6. The Analog Antiquarian, , more info

    Chapter 14: The November Mutiny
    November 6 – 28, 1520 The San Antonio rode at anchor for 48 hours just north of Dawson Island, awaiting a rendezvous that failed to materialize. Sensing more than ever that he was losing his authority to his pilot Estevão Gomes, Captain Mesquita turned his ship into an avatar of his nervousness. He ordered huge smoky fires to be kindled on the poop deck and musket volley after musket volley …
    By Jimmy Maher, 3,699 words
  7. The lost outpost – technology, photography, society, and life, , more info

    Overview of the Fediverse Discovery Providers project
    At Fediforum today, Renaud and I presented on the new Fediverse Discovery Providers project, initiated by Mastodon gGmbH via a grant from NGI Search. The slide deck below mostly presents the information from the website in an alternate format – but, hopefully the brief talk and then the broader discussion with the group that came to the session will have been a useful way to learn more about this new …
    By Andy Piper, 208 words
  8. Niklas's blog, , more info

    Thoughts on OpenAI models released in September 2024
    Cornelis Cort, The Last Judgment Triptych, engraving on laid paper, plate: 33.5 × 49.2 cm (13 3/16 × 19 3/8 in.) sheet: 37.5 × 52.1 cm (14 3/4 × 20 1/2 in.), 1570 1560, Courtesy National Gallery of Art, Washington OpenAI have just released two new models, 'o1-preview' and 'o1-mini'—both of which are in preview, in spite of the name of the later model—and I think there are a …
    979 words
  9. The Casual Optimist, , more info

    Cari Vander Yacht National Book Awards Illustrations
    The Cari Vander Yacht illustrations of people distracted by reading that accompany the New Yorker‘s announcement of the 2024 National Book Awards longlists are really lovely. The animated versions on the site are really nice too.
    By Dan, 43 words
  10. Shapers of the 80s, , more info

    2024 ➤ Chris Sullivan re-lives Blue Rondo’s second album at a Soho party
    ❚ MOST OF US have fond memories of Blue Rondo a la Turk, the seven-piece jazz/salsa band created by Chris Sullivan in 1981 and their first album Chewing the Fat, which I still consider the most original album of 1982. … Continue reading →
    By OTL, 57 words
  11. Will Hawkes — Blog, , more info

    August: Small Wonders, Punch-Ups and The Joy of LCBF
    Is Small Still Beautiful? Last month’s newsletter drew the usual postbag: thoughts, assertions, random abuse (thanks Mum). But amongst the odds and sods in the LBC inbox, one London brewery worker’s email stood out. It was written in response to the predictable beer lists at London stadia and at Cahoots, a 1940s pub in Soho, and the wider post-Covid problem of bar space being monopolised by multinational beers:
    By Will Hawkes, 77 words
  12. The Last Drive In, , more info

    Grease To Grit: The Unforgettable Journey of Adrienne Barbeau -Part 2 Including My Interview!
    Read Part 1 HERE Adrienne Barbeau: A Bold New Chapter in 70s Television: In the 1970s, television actors like Adrienne Barbeau faced significant barriers when transitioning to feature films; no one would consider hiring you, as the prevailing mindset was – why would audiences pay the price of a movie ticket to see an actor … Continue reading Grease To Grit: The Unforgettable Journey of Adrienne Barbeau -Part 2 Including …
    By monstergirl, 109 words
  13. History is made at night, , more info

    Peter Kennard: Archive of Dissent and youthful montage adventures
    Peter Kennard: Archive of Dissent at the Whitechapel Gallery is a retrospective of 50 years of radical image making. 'attempt to express that outrage by ripping through the mask, by cutting, tearing, montaging and juxtaposing imagery we are bombarded with daily. It shows what lies behind the mask' the victims, the resistance, the human communality saying no to corporate and state power'His work was very much the most striking visual …
    380 words
  14. David Ralph Lewis, , more info

    Redefining My Website and Whatever it is I Do
    Around July of this year, my site threw a strange error while deploying. Usually I would spend a while googling how to fix it so I carry on as I was. But I was growing dissatisfied with my static site generator Jekyll anyway, so I threw the whole site out and rebuilt it using a different program called Eleventy. It's still a work in progress but it does most of …
    338 words
  15. Science Fiction and Other Suspect Ruminations, , more info

    Exploration Log 5: “We Must Start Over Again and Find Some Other Way of Life”: The Role of Organized Labor in the 1940s and ’50s Science Fiction of Clifford D. Simak
    Cover art by Atun Purser My article on organized labor in the 1940s and ’50s science fiction of Clifford D. Simak went live! I’d love to hear your thoughts. I’ve spent the last half year researching and reading religiously for this project–from topics such as Minnesota’s unique brand of radical politics to the work of contemporary intellectuals like C. Wright Mills (1916-1962) whom Simak most likely read. Please check out …
    By Joachim Boaz, 257 words