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  1. Black Phoebe, , more info

    My First Published Novel : A Quiver Full, Or How Mr. Darcy Will Not Sit on That Sofa Again!
    Thurs. Sept. 19, 2024 – On Sunday, I pushed the Publish button to start my debut novel’s adventure out into the Big Wide World...
    By Ms. Jen, 43 words
  2. Manuel Matuzović - Web development Blog, , more info

    Website accessibility reaction videos (in German)
    Recently, I started a new project. I react to the accessibility of more or less randomly picked websites.Before you get too excited, It's in German. I feel more comfortable recording live reactions to websites I have never seen in my native language. However, I may try it in English if there's demand. So far, I've recorded four videos: Wie barrierefrei ist Wie barrierefrei ist Wie barrierefrei ist …
    122 words
  3. Attack of the 50 Foot Blockchain, , more info

    No, the bitcoin price did not move from debates, Trump ‘crypto burgers’ or anything other than shenanigans
    Bitcoin has fallen out of the public consciousness to such a degree that even the press have forgotten that the BTC price goes up and down like a yoyo for any reason or none. So I’m getting questions I’ve answered before, which means it’s time to make them into a post. [Newsweek; Newsweek] Donald Trump is talking about bitcoin and crypto a lot of late. You’d almost think he was …
    By David Gerard, 564 words
  4. zserge's blog, , more info

    On Poetry
    Recently with friends we talked about an early web site I’ve programmed, probably the very first web service I’ve ever done. It was a simple dictionary. Back then, we had Nokia phones without real web browsers, just something called the WAP protocol and WML markup. Since I struggled with foreign languages as a student (I still do!), I decided to create a mobile site in WAP/WML to help me translate …
    80 words
  5. Mr Ripleys Enchanted Books, , more info

    Julia Donaldson (Author), Axel Scheffler (Illustrator) - Children's Picture Book Biography 1993-2024
    Book One: A Squash and a Squeeze - Published by Methuen Children's Books - 1993 (Hardback No Dust Jacket?) The very first picture book by Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler, before they went on to become international stars for their beloved picture books. A goat on the bed and a cow on the table tapping out a jig? My readers collapsed in heaps and then had to have it
    By Mr Ripley's Enchanted Books, 76 words
  6. Action Figure Barbecue, , more info

    Action Figure Review: Night Creeper from G.I. Joe: Classified Series by Hasbro
    1988, 1989, and 1990 were some of the best years for action figures in the vintage G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero line. I know there are quite a few "fans" who seem to have no memory of any figures past 1983, or 1985, or 1987, but Hasbro was still cranking out some really good figures during those years. It wasn't until 1991 that some of the sub-teams started to …
    By Barbecue17, 1,317 words
  7. BLAG (Better Letters Magazine), , more info

    A Basic Guide to Gilding Tools, Materials, and Terminology
    Following her introduction to the techniques and processes used in architectural gilding, I invited Leah Beth Fishman to pen the following guide to gilding tools, materials, and terminology.This extended feature breaks down various important concepts that will help you when setting up to work with different types of metal leaf, and includes:What is Gilding?Types of GildingTools & TerminologyTypes of LeafFormats of LeafSuppliersIf you are interested in learning how to gild, …
    By Better Letters, 349 words
  8. Lens Rentals | Blog, , more info

    Customer Story – How Jonathan Harper Photographs Cars in Unique Ways
    If there was ever a type of camera that you could clearly define as a niche product, it would probably be infrared converted cameras. While very neat from a technological perspective, they don’t get a lot of use in the professional photography world. When you think of infrared photography, you likely think about ghostly colors […]
    By Lensrentals, 67 words
  9. Notes, links, etc, , more info

    Editing is easier than writing
    “Since writing is very hard and rewriting is comparatively easy and rather fun, I always write my scripts all the way through as fast as I can, the first day, if possible, putting in crap jokes and pattern dialogue—“Homer, I don’t want you to do that.” “Then I won’t do it.” Then the next day, when I get up, the script’s been written. It’s lousy, but it’s a script. The …
    183 words
  10. Indexed, , more info

    The post HOW DO THEY DO IT? appeared first on Indexed.
    By Jessica Hagy, 16 words
  11. A Photo Editor, , more info

    The Art of the Personal Project: Vlad Sokhin
    The Art of the Personal Project is a crucial element to let potential buyers see how you think creatively on your own. I am drawn to personal projects that have an interesting vision or that show something I have never seen before. In this thread, I’ll include a link to each personal project with the artist statement so you can see more of the project. Please note: This thread is …
    By Suzanne Sease, 623 words
  12. Georgia Before People, , more info

    Misguided Conservationists Plan to Murder Hundreds of Thousands of Owls
    There are some idiotic fanatics working for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. They have submitted a plan to kill 500,000 barred owls (Strix varias) in the Pacific northwest over the next 30 years. These government bureaucrats classify barred owls as an invasive species, but this is pure bullshit because barred owls are native to North America. Barred owls began colonizing the Pacific northwest during the 1970s. Spotted owls (S. …
    By markgelbart, 530 words
  13. Sympolymathesy, by Chris Krycho—Journal, , more info

    [journal] Read the Manual: open
    open files and directories on macOS! man open on macOS is super interesting. I have used open -a to launch specific apps for years, but I have never looked at all the other options. There are many, and they are pretty cool! Here are just a few of the neat things you can do: open -e opens the item in TextEdit. I basically never want this, and it’s fascinating that …
    By Chris Krycho, 252 words
  14. Paolo Amoroso's Journal, , more info

    Exploring Lisp programs as hypertexts with NoteCards
    I'm examining in depth NoteCards, the hypermedia environment of Medley Interlisp well described in the 1987 paper NoteCards in a Nutshell. To experiment with the NoteCards API I set out to explore the space of possible answers to the question: what if Lisp programs were represented as NoteCards hypertexts? Leveraging NoteCards to play with the idea seemed like a natural extension to Sysrama, my Interlisp documentation tool for presenting information …
    844 words
  15. Hinesight....for Foresight | Blog, , more info

    Why Foresight?
    I’m sure every futurist has been asked this question. Maybe lots of times. We may have developed a stock answer. We may vary it. I was asked recently and I thought back to 2007, when I was fresh off the publication of the first edition of Thinking about the Future with Peter Bishop. We gathered […] The post Why Foresight? first appeared on Hinesight....for Foresight.
    By Andy Hines, 67 words