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  1. Italian poetry for English speakers, , more info

    La Nencia di Barberino, by Lorenzo de Medici
    The original: 4 Le labbra rosse paion de corallo, e havvi drento duo filar’ de denti che son più bianchi che que’ del cavallo: da ogni lato ve n’ha più de venti. Le gote bianche paion de cristallo, senz’altro liscio, né scorticamenti, rosse entro ’l mezzo, quant’è una rosa, che non se vide mai sì bella cosa. 8 Ell’è dirittamente ballerina, che la se lancia com’una capretta, girasi come ruota …
    315 words
  2. Tale of Painters » Classic Blog, , more info

    Review: Kill Team: Hivestorm Pt. 2 – the rules
    In this post we take a look at the format of the new Kill Team Core Book and the Hivestorm dossier from Kill Team: Hive Storm. We share our impressions of the new Kill Team edition from a casual player's perspective and analyse what has improved and what has not. The post Review: Kill Team: Hivestorm Pt. 2 – the rules appeared first on Tale of Painters.
    By Stahly, 76 words
  3. Retraction Watch, , more info

    Weekend reads: Retractions by Nobel Prize winners; privatizing peer review; fake mouse brains
    Would you consider a donation to support Weekend Reads, and our daily work? The week at Retraction Watch featured: Web of Science puts mega-journals Cureus and Heliyon on hold Hidden hydras: uncovering the massive footprint of one paper mill’s operations New engineering dean has two retractions for authorship manipulation Pain researcher in Italy up to seven retractions Authors sue Sage over “discriminatory” retractions of papers cited in abortion pill case …
    By Ivan Oransky, 849 words
  4. SCOTUSblog, , more info

    Supreme Court to decide if Oklahoma must execute Richard Glossip
    ShareTwice in the past decade the Supreme Court has blocked Oklahoma from executing Richard Glossip. Now the state has joined Glossip to argue that newly uncovered evidence shows prosecutors violated his rights at trial. But even with the Oklahoma’s rare confession of error, both the state’s highest court for criminal cases and the state’s pardon and parole board turned down Glossip’s pleas for relief. On Oct. 9, two former U.S. …
    By Amy Howe, 1,751 words
  5. Now Smell This, , more info

    Lazy 3-day weekend poll ~ fall reading list, edition 6
    Welcome to our 6th annual fall reading poll! Please recommend a great book to add to our fall reading lists, and tell us what fragrance we should wear while reading it. Or, as always, just talk about something else, and of course, do report your fragrance of the day if you like. What I’ve read since the summer poll… Read the rest of this article »
    By Robin, 76 words
  6. String-Or-Nothing, , more info

    And we have more progress to report on the latest sampler strip in my series of stitched pieces commemorating the literary output of my Resident Male. First we start with the now expected Mysterious Saying. In this case, “Ant-Aransa,” a quotation from the inspiring work – Treyavir. It translates roughly to “Do what’s right.” An admonishment that should be heeded more often for us all. The lettering is not from …
    By kbsalazar, 430 words
  7. The Aperiodical, , more info

    Carnival of Maths 232
    The next issue of the Carnival of Mathematics, rounding up blog posts from the month of September 2024, is now online at Storm Bear World. The Carnival rounds up maths blog posts from all over the internet, including some from our own Aperiodical. See our Carnival of Mathematics page for more information.
    By Katie Steckles, 53 words
  8. Paul Sellers' Woodworking Blog, , more info

    It’s a strange phenomenon that I cannot always place. Jealousy and envy can be two close bed partners, of course they can, but then there is expert knowledge, insider knowledge and a range of levels between just disliking someone and all the way up to hatefulness. Challenging the status quo of any majority and suddenly... Source
    By Paul Sellers, 57 words
  9. Manu – I write, , more info

    A Ko-Fi PSA
    Quick PSA for the very kind people who decided to support what I do over on Ko-Fi. I recently noticed that some memberships were getting stuck with a pending label even though they were working fine in the months before. Apparently, that’s caused by a bug—probably on the Ko-Fi side but still can’t say for sure—and if you were a supporter affected by this you probably didn’t even get an …
    By Manuel Moreale, 229 words
  10. She Reads Novels, , more info

    Six Degrees of Separation: From Long Island to The White Devil
    It’s the first Saturday of the month which means it’s time for another Six Degrees of Separation, hosted by Kate of Books are my Favourite and Best. The idea is that Kate chooses a book to use as a starting point and then we have to link it to six other books of our choice to form a chain. A book doesn’t have to be connected to all of the …
    By Helen, 782 words
  11. Forage | Chef, , more info

    Classic Caramelized Onions and Mushrooms
    A rich mushroom side dish perfect for serving with burgers, steaks, pasta and more, a good pan of caramelized onions and mushrooms is something everyone should know how to make. With only a few simple ingredients the technique is extremely important here. Today I'll show you how to make it like a pro. You might... Read More The post Classic Caramelized Onions and Mushrooms appeared first on Forager | Chef …
    By Alan Bergo, 76 words
  12. Ambientblog, , more info

    Marcus Fjellström * Trio Ramberget & Matti Bye
    MARCUS FJELLSTRÖM - THE LAST SUNSET OF THE YEAR Marcus Fjellström is a Swedish composer and multimedia artist whose work ranged from purely orchestral to electronic music. After graduating from his composition and orchestration study in Sweden, he released his debut album Excercises in Estrangement in 2005. Three other solo albums would follow: Gebrauchsmusik, Schattenspieler, and Skelektikon. Apart from that, some of his audiovisual work can be seen on his …
    By Peter van Cooten, 618 words
  13. Stitches on the Run, , more info

    Tsuzukiyamagata つづき山形 means “continuing mountain form” in Japanese. It’s called “mountain range pattern” by Daruma which sounds more lyrical than the literal translation.The tsuzukiyamagata pattern is a traditional Japanese pattern. It represents a geometric abstraction of –you guessed it– a mountain range. It is made up of many straight lines breaking at an angle and crossing over one another.Though it may look a bit confusing at first, tsuzukiyamagata is a …
    By Janette Haruguchi, 415 words
  14., , more info

    Monthnotes: September 2024
    September has been an odd month, not standing out as any particular thing. That’s not to say it’s been bad: work was engaging, I caught up with some friends, and I visited London and Alton Towers. But the weather has turned, with the cold waking me at night a few times. I’ve been having incredible, intense dreams. I’m trying to do too much. Life has felt unsettled. Good, but unsettled. …
    By orbific, 1,338 words
  15. It's About TV, , more info

    This week in TV Guide: October 3, 1959
    Lee Marvin is one angry man. Not the Last Angry Man; that was Paul Muni, and anyway, this issue is 65 years old and there have been a lot of angry men since then. Angry women, too, for that matter. But Lee Marvin is, in fact, angry, although it's hard to say what, exactly, he's angry about. Or perhaps it's better to ask: what isn't he angry about?Bob Johnson catches …
    By Mitchell Hadley, 3,022 words