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  1., , more info

    Weeknotes 2024-10-06
    It is October! Time marches relentlessly forward, and 2024 nears its end. My Week I had a busy week, lots of medical errands and paperwork and end-of-month things to attend to. I think I had to go the hospital on 3 out of 5 weekdays during the week, mostly for paperwork stuff, but also to get some test results we've been waiting for and have been really anxious about and …
    552 words
  2. Maggie Appleton, , more info

    Aesthetic Command Lines with Hyper, Spaceship, and Oh My Zsh
    My fairly banal, basic, but beautiful command line setup
    19 words
  3. LostFocus, , more info

    Week 40, 2024
    We’ve really entered autumn this week, it’s cold, it’s grey and the leaves turn yellow and red. And somehow it’s also the weird, weird moment of the year when not everyone realized that the warmer times are over – just now I went for a walk, nicely wrapped in my puffy jacket and with a hat and there were people around with only a t-shirt. My good man, it’s 8°C! …
    By Dominik, 350 words
  4. Darren's music blog, , more info

    Live review: Oysterband & June Tabor, De la Warr Pavilion, Bexhill 5/10/24
    It was almost exactly ten years ago when I last saw June Tabor and Oysterband at the De La Warr Pavilion, my first time visiting this stunning piece of 1930s architecture. I wasn’t even living down here yet but a friend had a spare ticket going and I came down for the weekend. So, when Oysterband announced their ‘Long Long Goodbye’ farewell tour with June Tabor, once again, as their …
    By Darren Johnson, 506 words
  5. Wormwoodiana, , more info

    The Centenary of 'Beau Geste': A Guest Post by G J Cooling
    <!--[if gte mso 9]>
    By Mark V, 16 words
  6. Lewis Dale - Blog, , more info

    Adding statically-generated Open Graph images
    Open Graph images are what websites such as Twitter choose to display when showing a preview to a page. There are plenty of ways to generate these dynamically - like using Netlify Edge Functions, for one. But recently somebody posted a plugin they’d built the Eleventy Discord server, which gives the ability to create (fairly simple) Open Graph images at build time. Installation Installation was pretty straightforward: npm i --save-dev …
    By Lewis Dale, 517 words
  7. Hate Meditations, , more info

    Beats and yelling: Polemicist
    PolemicistOut 27th September, self-released The paradox of well known phrases is that, by virtue of wide usage, their meaning becomes unknown. The commonplace phrase goes unexamined. Melodic black metal is one such example. Prima facie an obvious, self-explanatory subgenre. But one that has thus far avoided re-appraisal or revision since the subgenre’s solidification in the mid-90s, leaving it vulnerable to misapplication. Polemicist, through their patient, focused study of classically minded, …
    By Hate Meditations, 523 words
  8. Amit Merchant, , more info

    A growing list of well built open-source apps in Laravel
    Sometimes, it would be interesting to see what you can build using your favorite framework. This is especially useful when you’re in the phase of selecting a framework for your next project. Open-source projects can be useful since you can dive deep into the code and see how people have solved similar problems. And since these projects are open-source, you can also contribute to them and learn from the community. …
    By Amit Merchant, 386 words
  9. The Candybox Blog, , more info

    Positive feedback loops (The power of choice, digital independence, and building something better for everyone)
    There is a positive feedback loop that happens when you make a tool for people, how people that use it inform what you build, and in turn what you build informs their creative decisions. We will talk about how building these alternatives helps to create a better overall culture where everyone can participate. Let's leave behind monopolies, enshitification, and present tech controversies to discuss building better avenues of participation with …
    By alienmelon, 118 words
  10. Ludicrously Niche, , more info

    Hyde and Seek
    The Children's BBC comedy Julia Jekyll and Harriet Hyde, which starred a young Olivia Hallinan as a schoolgirl who involuntarily transforms into a monster after her chemistry project goes wrong, but was otherwise very very loosely based on Robert Louis Stevenson's original novella, ran for three series between 1995 and 1998. It manages to get the word "booze" into its first episode, as part of an admirable commitment to pushing …
    By Christopher Wickham, 233 words
  11. Dan Leo, , more info

    "Steel Driving Man"
    "I see you brought some honkies with you, Jelly Roll," said the huge Negro man."Yes, I have, John Henry," said Jelly Roll, "but I assure you they're cool, daddy-o.""The lady looks cool," said the man."Why, thank you, kind sir," said Miss Blackbourne, "for the delightful compliment.""You can come in," said the big man. "May I ask your name?""Blackbourne is the name, Margaret Blackbourne," said Miss Blackbourne, "but, please, call me …
    By Dan Leo, 1,135 words
  12. the lost byway, , more info

    Discover London: 35 Questions About Its Pubs, Architecture, and Rich History
    Here are the questions I covered in this YouTube Q&A video about London walks: walk series that takes in locations that were used for album covers time travel and be able to witness any year in London’s history how about “Market London”? favourite beers buildings I’d remove collab with Joolz? Tweedy? Geoff Marshall etc? if Russell Brand got back in touch with you favourite pub in Walthamstow Nick Papadimitriou how …
    By JohnR, 299 words
  13. DIGICULT | Digital Art, Design and Culture, , more info

    ARE YOU FOR REAL Phase 2: Agents of Fluid Predictions
    Agents of Fluid Predictions forms an inquiry into the ever-changing landscape of foresight. Prediction is shown to be ephemeral, certainty dissolves into speculation, truth shifts like sand, past and future are fluid. The post ARE YOU FOR REAL Phase 2: Agents of Fluid Predictions appeared first on Digicult | Digital Art, Design and Culture.
    By Redazione Digicult, 64 words
  14. Life notes by Neil Williams, , more info

    A digital centre for the rest of us?
    Looks like I chose the wrong week to quit weeknoting. 14 years ago Martha Lane Fox wrote a paper about which I wrote a blog post off the back of which Tom bought me a pizza. Which led to 8 blissful years at GDS doing the best work of my life with the best people, in the best (not perfect but definitely best) company culture I’ve ever worked in. This …
    By neillyneil, 1,851 words
  15. Daily Philosophy, , more info

    We, the Jury, duly impaneled and sworn, upon our oaths, do find the defendant, of her own free will, as to Count One, guilty of First-degree Murder. Four jurors find the Act premeditated. Zero jurors find the Act a felony murder. Eight jurors find the Act both premeditated and a felony murder. Signed by Jury Foreperson, Juror Number 12. Remaining members of the Jury, I’m now going to ask you …
    446 words