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  1. Becks and Brown Trout, Bamboo too, , more info

    A very surprising result
    So my last post used a racing analogy . My Friday a couple of weeks ago was another day that would be backing the long odds . Until Thursday evening I had no intention to fish on Friday as the weather forecast was making Saturday look like a certainty for a good day . But late plans meant that on Friday I was heading out to the river again . …
    By Becks and Brown Trout, 428 words
  2. Andy Trattner, , more info

    Continuous Glucose Monitoring
    I tried Levels (with the Dexcom G7 sensor) for a month. It changed my life.For one thing, I never would have eaten raw broccoli out of a plastic bag in a hotel bathroom before. Also, I proudly consumed chicken wings and salmon sashimi at a tempura joint, avoiding the oh-so-tempting main options. I've been getting soup at the hawker center recently... Chinese food without rice, gasp! My sister will tell …
    By Andy Trattner, 345 words
  3. Sight Unseen, , more info

    Week of September 30, 2024
    A weekly Saturday recap to share with you our favorite links, discoveries, exhibitions, and more from the past seven days. This week: Sophie Lou Jacobsen scales up her glass work, Pinch celebrates its 20th anniversary with an American pop-up, and we put a spotlight on two North Carolina fundraisers to benefit the decimated creative community in Asheville.
    By Jill Singer, 62 words
  4. A TRIP DOWN MEMORY LANE, , more info

    I recently lost a dear friend with the passing of Jay Popa. Anyone who is a big band fan is familiar with the website The Big Band Alliance, which Jay and his brother Chris run. Jay had a big heart, and I count him as a friend. Here is his beautiful obituary...Everyone should have a devoted son, loving brother, and best pal like James Michael Popa, known to family and …
    398 words
  5. MUKESH GUPTA, , more info

    First Principles Based Leadership – 4 Ways to Know Anything
    Premise I was introduced to John Vervaeke and his work by the inimitable Matt Church who leads the Thought Leaders Business School and is based in Australia. John is an award-winning professor of psychology, cognitive science, and Buddhist psychology at the University of Toronto. He says that there are four different ways we can know things, which he calls the 4P’s of Knowing. These are about the manners in which …
    By Mukesh Gupta, 129 words
  6. The Alexandrian, , more info

    Ex-RPGNet Review – The Black Amulet
    Atlas Games’ Penumbra line of D20 products continues to lead the field in D&D supplements. Review Originally Published December 15th, 2000 There are two primary functions that a review serves: First, it lets people know about a product they might otherwise have been unaware of. Second, it tells them enough about it to let them know whether or not its a product they should buy. The Black Amulet is a …
    By Justin Alexander, 557 words
  7. Steve Does Comics, , more info

    The Marvel Lucky Bag - October 1974.
    Thanks to Charlie Horse 47 and Killdumpster for their sponsorship of this post, via the magic of Patreon. ***It must have seemed like nothing but fear was waiting to greet those who foolishly entered a cinema in October 1974.It was, after all, a month which saw the release of those never to be forgotten nightmares The House on Skull Mountain, The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, It's Alive, The Cars That …
    By Steve W., 887 words
  8., , more info

    WordPress vs. ACF
    The WordPress drama has not dried up. Since I wrote last, Matt Mullenweg has done a number of interviews, WP Engine sued Automattic, the structure of the WordPress organization has become clearer, and over 150 employees left Automattic in a buy-out deal. Now it seems Mullenweg is going after a popular plugin to try and win his battle against WP Engine. Ernie Smith wrote an excellent overview of recent events …
    By Gavin Anderegg, 819 words
  9. Technovia, , more info

    Ten Blue Links, literary salon Edition
    1. Apple’s built in apps can do (almost) everything One of the characteristics of hardcore nerdery is the tendency to over engineer your systems. People spend a lot of time creating systems, tinkering with them, making them as perfect as possible, only to abandon them a few years down the line when some new shiny hotness appears. I’m as guilty of this as the next nerd, but at least I’m …
    By Ian Betteridge, 1,346 words
  10. Phil Gyford’s website – Writing, , more info

    w/e 2024-10-06
    I’m back in Essex, a few days earlier than planned, due to another family medical event. I would really like to write more about this stuff to be honest, but over the years I’ve become increasingly wary of writing about other people online without their consent. So forgive my vagueness. I would like to say a reassuring, “everyone’s OK,” but with every emergency visit to hospital – this is the …
    By Phil Gyford, 614 words
  11. Hiew's Boardgame Blog, , more info

    Essen 2024 Note 4
    This was the last selfie I took before I left the Essen game fair on Sunday, the final day of the fair for 2024. What an amazing four days it was. For many years I have been hearing other people share their Spiel experiences. Now that I was experiencing it first hand myself, whatever I had heard before still didn't fully prepare me for the real thing. It really is …
    By Hiew Chok Sien 邱卓成, 79 words
  12. Rob Weychert, , more info

    Robtober 2024
    A month’s worth of movies to help you stay awake Every October, I put together a big schedule of horror films to watch, focusing mostly on ones I haven’t seen before. The schedule, a mix of theatrical screenings and home viewings, is published for posterity and for the sake of anyone who might like to join me. This year I seem to be nostalgic for the age of Satanic panic, …
    By Rob Weychert, 223 words
  13. Disoriented, , more info

    Totally Tubular Festival
    My teenage years played a show at New York’s Pier 17.
    By Angus McIntyre, 14 words
  14. All That Is Solid ..., , more info

    What a Gray Day
    Back in June, this blog asked a question. What is the point of Morgan McSweeney?. He had made the Labour Party safe for Keir Starmer and his brand of authoritarian politics, and with a 2015-style left wing surge ranging from infinitesimally unlikely to impossible what role awaited him following the general election? Well, he did find purpose. To make Sue Gray's, Starmer's chief of staff, life a misery. And that …
    By Phil, 912 words
  15. Matthew Sheret – is someone who types things, , more info

    Week 92: Hospital lunch
    A lot of the week went quite well. I did a workshop for a couple of hundred people, played some good games of Underworlds, had a lovely time with family. Monday evening I went to some back-pain friendly pilates. First time. I’d been nervous, but the session felt very chill. I was stretched in new ways, but nothing out-and-out hurt. Slowly, through the week, my back pain (which had been …
    By Matt Sheret, 387 words